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Robin from Grand Junction, Co writes

My silver maple has sun scald, splitting bark with earwigs, and some borers. Will Talstar P help?

I prefer to buy the most efficient, least expensive product. Thank you!


Sunscald that has caused the bark to split will often heal on its own in otherwise healthy trees. If you experience rapid temperature fluctuations at the end of winter and in early spring, then you may want to wrap trees that are sensitive to this condition to help prevent sunscald. Talstar P is a versatile inseticide concentrate that is safe for use on many ornamentals and is labeled for over 75 pests. Talstar P is also water-based, so it should not cause additional stress to the strees. You may also want to consult an arborist to be sure your trees are receiving enough water to recover from the bark split, and to check if it may need additional nutrients.

Answer last updated on: 07/07/2015

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