Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide should be store in a cool, dry place and will have a three year shelf life from the date of purchase. Keep away from extreme temperatures.
Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide should be applied when you are not expecting rainfall for 24hrs (do not irrigate also during this time) following application.
We apologize but we do not carry the Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide in a smaller quantity. Please look at the Prime Source Myclo 20EW Fungicide which has the same percent of avtive ingredient as the Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide. It also comes in a pint size, and is labeled for residential Lawns.
Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide is available in a one gallon jug (128 fl oz).
Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide is only labeled for Leaf Spot and Powdery Mildew on flowering Cherry Tree, brown rot is not listed as a disease this product will control. Bonide Liquid Copper fungicide is labeled brown rot on cherry trees. There are detailed instructions on the product label to apply at delayed dormant, popcorn, full bloom, and petal fall
We recommend to rotate fungicides every 2-3 applications. We recommend to apply two times Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide and then rotate with another, of a different class