Product Q&A

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Sherry writes

I need a pre-emergent for a large flower bed containing ivy and vinka minor and major.

I'm paying a gardener to weed my large flower bed and want to eliminate the weeds in the future. I would like to know which pre- emergent to purchase, how often to apply and if I apply now in the summer if it will accomplish getting rid of the weeds.


Unfortunately, you did not indicate what type of weeds you are trying to prevent or what type of ivy you are growing and this information is needed to provide you with a product recommendation. Also, your local cooperative extension office has a master gardener on staff who is an expert on the plants and weeds in your region. The master gardener can most likely provide you with the best recommendation on what product or at least what active ingredient you will need to treat your flower beds.

Answer last updated on: 07/09/2011

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