Larry from Seminole, Fl writes
The amount of GrazonNext HL Herbicide can vary based on how much water is required to thoroughly spray the foliage to the point of run off. It is advised that the total amount of GrazonNext HL applied broadcast, as a re-treatment, and/or spot treatment per year must not exceed 2.1 pints (34 fluid oz) per acre. Spot treatments may be applied at an equivalent broadcast rate of up to 4.2 pints (68 fluid oz) per acre of GrazonNext HL per annual growing season; however, not more than 50% of an acre may be treated at that rate. For ironweed the rate is 24 to 34 fl oz per acre. If it takes you 20 gallons of water to cover an acre, the 3 gallon rate is as follows 3.6 fl oz ot 5.1 fl oz. Please refer to Table 1 and Table 2 on pages 4 & 5 of the product label for the rates if it takes higher amounts of water.
Answer last updated on: 08/13/2018