Product Q&A

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Bam from Wichita, Kansas writes

I need to spray a tree with Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil. If overspray gets on the surrounding grass, can it hurt the grass?

We will not be applying it directly to the grass, but when spraying the tree there's a good chance that the grass will come in contact with the spray as well. Will it damage the grass? How can you avoid the spray coming in contact with grass when spraying the tree? Thank you!


It is possible that Bonide All Seasons Horticultural Spray Oil may cause turf damage. To help avoid injury to the grass areas, do not apply when temperatures are above 90 degrees, and apply when winds are calm. Using a barrier such as a large tarp or plastic sheeting on the grass can also help

Answer last updated on: 05/15/2018

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