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Jay from Long Grove, Il writes

OK to rotate fungicides during same course of treatment, using Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide currently?

I only have enough Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide for one or two more applications to my crabapple trees this spring. Would it be OK to finish the spring treatment for scab by using Chlorothalonil 720 SFT Fungicide for the remaining applications? I rotate annually between the two but not sure about rotating within a single season.


We recommend to rotate fungicides every 2-3 applications. We recommend to apply two times Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide and then rotate with another, of a different class

Answer last updated on: 03/15/2024

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Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide

Myclobutanil 20EW T&O Fungicide

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