Yes, Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer is safe around pets as long as it is used according to the instructions on the label. Make sure to remove pets from the area at the time of treatment.
Yes, Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer is safe around animals, including chickens, when used as directed. This product needs to be watered in after application. Once the application site has dried completely, it is safe for animals to return to the area.
Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer should be applied during the morning or late evening when it is cool and the ants are most active. You should water in the area immediately after application to activate per the product label.
Over N Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer should be applied to a dry area and watered in. This product can be applied before it rains since it does need to be activated with water.
As long as the treated area was dry after applying Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer and watering it in, it is safe for animals to return to the area, typically after a few hours. It will not reconstitute with rain. Your dog would have to eat several pounds of the actual granules to be affected.
Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer requires watering in after applying so applying the night before rain would be fine.
There should be no issues when using Over N Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer alongside a weed and feed product. You would want to check the weed and feed label to be sure there are no restrictions.
Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer is safe in homes with children and pets as long as it is used according to the instructions on the label. Make sure children and pets are not in the area at the time of treatment. Once the treated area is completely dry children and pets can resume normal activity.
Unfortunately, Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer is not labeled for use on edible vegetation because it will contaminate it. Discard any fruit from the ground or bushes that this product came in contact with.
Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer is only labeled to eradicate fire ants.
Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer would not be safe inside the well cover as listed on the product label. In this situation it would be best to treat the mound with boiling water.
Per the Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer product label: this product is extremely toxic to fish, aquatic invertebrates, oysters and shrimp. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off treatment areas. Sweeping any product that lands on a driveway, sidewalk or street back onto the treated area of the lawn or garden will help prevent run off to water bodies or drainage systems. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift from treated areas. Drift and run off from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in neighboring areas.
Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer is not labeled to be used around edibles. Applications should be kept outside of the drip line of fruit trees.
Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer has no herbicidal properties so it will not affect your wisteria and it is not labeled to kill earthworms.
Over N Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer should be applied to a dry area and watered in. This product can be applied before it rains since it does need to be activated with water.
Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer is a great product but is not labeled for use in pastures. Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait would be a better option. Extinguish Plus can be used on pasture land and there are no grazing restrictions for horses.
Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer is not labeled to be used in pastures where horses graze. Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait would be a better choice.
Yes, Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer should be watered in after application.
Over n Out! Advanced Fire Ant Killer is only labeled for fire ants. Please check out of Flea Control Products, and our How To Guides and Videos for great information and product recommendations for fleas.