Pastora Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 21 to 40 (of 78 questions)
  • Asked by Debra from Marquez, Tx
    Is Pastora Herbicide harmful to bees?
    We have several hives near target area, will Pastora harm bees?

    Pastora Herbicide  is not an insecticide, so it should not harm bees if applied according to the instructions on the product label

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  • Asked by C from Santo, Tx
    Will Pastora hurt my young pecan trees?
    I have some that are one and two years old.

    We do not recommend applying Pastora Herbicide  near pecan trees. It is safe for applications on established Bermudagrass Pastures and Hay Meadows, Bermudagrass Turf (Unimproved Only).

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  • Asked by Marcos from Milledgeville, Ga
    How many bottles of Pastora Herbicide do I need to control a lot of Johnsongrass in my 15-Acre hay field?
    And it will kill on the first spray?

    To control Johnsongrass, you will use 1 oz of Pastora Herbicide per Acre. Per the product label: For best results on seedling Johnsongrass, apply Pastora Herbicide before seedlings reach 12" in height. For best results on rhizome Johnsongrass, apply Pastora Herbicide when Johnsongrass is from 10" to 18" in height. If treating after pasture has been mowed, treat about 10 to 14 days after mowing when Johnsongrass has 6" to 8" of leaf surface for herbicide to contact. You may need more than one application to control this weed.

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  • Asked by Jason from Arkansas
    What are the grazing restrictions to Horses when using Pastora Herbicide in a pasture?

    Do not graze Pastora Herbicide treated areas until areas are dry.  Typically a few hours (4-6) out of the area is best.

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  • Asked by Paul from Ponca City, Ok
    Will Pastora damage bluestem if spraying for Johnson grass?
    I'm spraying my blue stem field for Johnson grass. Wondering if Pastor will damage the Bluestem.

    Pastora would not be safe to spray on your Bluestem field.  It is labeled for application on established bermudagrass pastures and hay meadows and bermudagrass turf only.

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  • Asked by Paul from Cuero Texas
    What is the best time of year to spray burs with Pastora Herbicide?

    In regards to sandbur control, the Pastora Herbicide label stated the following:  Apply when sandbur is newly germinated to 1.5” tall. Make applications when bermudagrass is less than 4” tall following green-up in the spring or after cutting for hay. Tall, dense stands of bermudagrass can intercept spray and reduce sandbur control. In some areas, sandbur may overwinter and start the new season with an established root system. For overwintering sandbur or newly germinated sandbur that is greater than 1.5” tall, applications of Pastora® Herbicide may only suppress growth resulting in a reduction in sandbur seedheads. For best results in these situations, apply Pastora® Herbicide in a tank mix with 2.5 to 4.1 ounces active ingredient glyphosate per acre (such as 4 to 6 fluid ounces of a 5.5 pound/gallon product or 5 to 8 fluid ounces of a 4 pound/gallon product). A follow-up application of Pastora® Herbicide may be necessary to control subsequent germination (flushes) of sandbur following the first application or when the first application was made to larger sandbur or under unfavorable environmental conditions. Sandbur Management should be part of an overall pasture management plan which includes good fertility, adequate moisture (rainfall, irrigation), insect and rodent control, and other agronomic practices which maximize bermudagrass growth. In contrast, sandbur control in areas with thin stands of bermudagrass may not be satisfactory.

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  • Asked by Bob from Bridgeport, Tx
    Can Pastora Herbicide be used / mixed with any type of fertilizer?
    Hoping to make one pass and fertilize / weed control Bermuda/coastal hay field

    According to the product label, Llquid nitrogen fertilizer solutions may be used as a carrier in place of water with Pastora Herbicide. Run a tank mix compatibility test before mixing Pastora Herbicide in fertilizer solution.  

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  • Asked by Stan from Duncan, Ok
    How late in the fall Bermuda growing season can Pastora be applied to control Johnson grass?
    It's mid-September southern Oklahoma and would like to apply the second application in midland Bermuda to control Johnson grass.

    For best results on seedling Johnsongrass, apply Pastora Herbicide before seedlings reach 12" in height. For best results on rhizome Johnsongrass, apply Pastora Herbicide when Johnsongrass is from 10" to 18" in height. If treating after pasture has been mowed, treat about 10 to 14 days after mowing when Johnsongrass has 6" to 8" of leaf surface for herbicide to contact. 

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  • Asked by Scott from Norman, Ok
    Can Pastora Herbicide kill sand burrs?

    Pastora is labeled to control sandbur aka sandspur when used as directed on the product label for post-emergent control. 

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  • Asked by Cc from Cumming, Ga
    How long do I wait to reseed in a hayfield after using Pastora?

    Since Pastora Herbicide is a pre and post emergent, it would be best to wait at least 1 year to plant in the area, though the label states it can remain in the soil for up to 34 months.

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  • Asked by Larry from Texas
    Does Pastora Herbicide kill bahiagrass?

    Yes, Pastora Herbicide is labeled for bahiagrass.  The label states the following: Pensacola bahiagrass: Apply Pastora® Herbicide at 1.25 to 1.5 ounces per acre after greenup in the spring but before bahiagrass seedhead formation. Apply when moisture is sufficient to enhance grass growth.  Pastora® Herbicide is very effective for removal of bahiagrass from bermudagrass pastures. In highly infested pastures, the use of Pastora® Herbicide can clear the areas of useful forage until the bermudagrass has time to cover the area. Therefore, Pastora® Herbicide treatments should be spread out over a period of years. Do not apply to an entire farm or ranch in one year. Fertilization (particularly with nitrogen and potassium) and/or replanting may accelerate the process of reestablishment of bermudagrass. Under heavy bahiagrass pressure, grazing pressure, or adverse weather conditions (heat and drought), bahiagrass regrowth may occur. Do not use Pastora® Herbicide for the control of common or Argentine bahiagrass. Also, do not apply Pastora® Herbicide in liquid fertilizer solutions for Pensacola bahiagrass control, as poor control and/or regrowth may occur

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  • Asked by Bill from Willow, Oklahoma
    Used Pastora 2 weeks ago to control sand spurs. When is it safe to plant millet?

    Since Pastora Herbicide is a pre and post emergent, it would be best to wait at least 1 year to plant in the area, though the label states it can remain in the soil for up to 34 months.

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  • Asked by Oscar from Raymondville
    How many ounces of pastora do I need for 10 acres?

    The rate for Pastora is 1-2.5 oz. per acre depending on what weed(s) you are treating.  You can find use rates for specific weeds on the product label.

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  • Asked by Peggy from Emory
    Will Pastora Herbicide kill berryvines?

    Pastora Herbicide  is labeled for Blackberry, Dewberry & Western Snowberry. Please review the product label for application rates and instructions. 

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  • Asked by Scott from Oklahoma City, Ok
    Can I use Pastora Herbicide in my lawn?
    Along the outskirts of the Bermuda lawn we have a terrible time with sandspurs and I want to use this product to help control.

    No the Pastora Herbicide label states: Do not use on lawns, driveways, walks, tennis courts, golf courses, athletic fields or other high maintenance, fine turgrass or other areas. You could use a product like Image Kills Nutsedge Concentrate  which is labeled for sandbur and can be applied year round to Bermudagrass. 

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  • Asked by Joe from Gainesville, Ga
    Will Pastora control goosegrass in a bermuda hay field?

    Yes, Pastora Herbicide will control goosegrass in a bermuda hayfield. The rate is 1 oz per acre.

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  • Asked by Jack from Texas
    Why can Pastora not be used on lawns?
    What is the reason they say not to spray on a lawn? And driveways and sidewalks and tennis courts?

    Pastora Herbicide is not labeled for use on home lawns: it is more of an agricultural product.  Either it was not approved to have home lawns listed on the label, or the manufacturer did not want to do so.  Per the label: Do not use on lawns, walks, driveways, tennis courts, golf courses, athletic fields, or other high-maintenance, fine turfgrass areas, or similar areas.

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  • Asked by Bruce from Tx
    Is Pastora Herbicide harmful to dogs?

    Pastora Herbicide

    is safe for pets if used as directed. Keep pets out of the are while treating until completely dry. 

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  • Asked by Brandon from Shelbyville, Ky
    Can Pastora be used in an Orchardgrass hay field?

    Pastora Herbicide is only for use on Bermudagrass hay meadows and pastures and non-crop areas, so we do not recommend spraying it on any other desirable grasses. If you would like to tell us what weeds you are targeting, then we may be able to recommend an alternative product for you.

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  • Asked by Elizabeth from Rock Hill
    Will Pastora Herbicide get rid of signalgrass in a Bermuda/fescue pasture?

    You can use Pastora Herbicide to treat broadleaf signalgrass in Bermuda/tall fescue pastures as directed on the product label.

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Displaying 21 to 40 (of 78 questions)