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Reese from Dallas, Texas writes

Permethrin vs. Malathion; Which is most effective for outdoor mosquito control using a ULV fogger?


Neither Permethrin nor Malathion is labeled to use outdoors to control mosquitoes. We do carry ULD BP-300 Fogging concentrate and Riptide which are both labeled for use in foggers for outdoor mosquito control. Most products that can be used in foggers for outdoor mosquito control will contain pyrethrins, a short acting contact insecticide and would need to be applied frequently. We recommend folks use a product such as Talstar P for a long lasting residual for mosquito control. Talstar cannot be used in a fogger but it can be used in mist blower, hand pump sprayer or a hose end sprayer for mosquito control. Talstar P would need to be applied once a month for mosquito control.

Answer last updated on: 04/27/2012

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Permethrin SFR 36.8%

Permethrin SFR 36.8%

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