Pillar G Intrinsic Granular Fungicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 21 to 27 (of 27 questions)
  • Asked by George from Aurora, Co
    Is there a problem in using Pillar G and another fungicide?

    It would be recommended to rotate to a different fungicide group after applying Pillar G Intrinsic Granular Fungicide 2-3 times to prevent resistance, but it should not be applied at the same time as another fungicide. 

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  • Asked by Ricardo from Pembroke Pines, Fl
    Is Pillar G good to treat brown patch n large patch disease on St Augustine lawn?

    Yes, Pillar G Intrinsic Granular Fungicide will treat large and brown patch on St. Augustine lawns. Please see the Label for application rates and instructions. 

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  • Asked by Chase from Miami Shores, Fl
    Does the Pillar G Intrinsic Granular Fungicide kill gray leaf spot on Saint Augustine turf?
    And if so what is the recommended application? Water in after? Thanks
    Per the

    Pillar G Intrinsic Granular Fungicide product label: Use preventively.  Begin applications when conditions are favorable for fungal infection, prior to disease symptom development.   We recommend using Eagle 20EW at the highest labeled rate to treat for Gray Leaf Spot on your turf.  Before using, we suggest going over the product label to reconfirm any information you may need when using Eagle 20EW.

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  • Asked by Hermilio from Champaign, Illinois
    How soon after applying Pin Dee 3.3 T&O Herbicide to my Kentucky Bluegrass/Perennial Ryegrass lawn can I reseed the lawn?
    I am located in Illinois.

    There is no wait time between applying Pillar G Intrinsic Granular Fungicide and reseeding. 

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  • Asked by Dave
    Is Pillar G Intrinsic Granular Fungicide labeled to treat whiteflies?

    Pillar G Intrinsic Granular Fungicide is a fungicide that combines 2 active ingredients and is labeled to deliver control of many turf diseases, but does not have any insecticide properties to control whiteflies.  However, a product like Talstar P Professional Insecticide can be applied at a rate of 0.5 - 1.0 oz. per gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft. to the infested areas in your lawn, landscaped areas and the undersides of leaves on trees and shrubs for whitefly control.

    Please view the full product label for more information. 

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  • Asked by Raymond from Fairfield
    Is the granular size of Pillar G Intrinsic Granular Fungicide suitable to be used on a bentgrass putting green in order to avoid being picked up by a greens mower?

    Yes, Pillar G Intrinsic Granular Fungicide is labeled to be used on golf courses with no issues. Applications made to control root or soilborne diseases such as fairy ring, Pythium root dysfunction, summer patch and take all patch will require additional watering to move the product into the soil.

    Please view the product label and SDS sheet for more specific information. 

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  • Asked by Susan from Lenexa, Ks
    Can you use Pillar G for curative treatment for summer patch and dollar spot?
    I used Clearys last month and now have summer patch and dollar spot. We have high temps and excessive humidity from rain.

    Pillar G Intrinsic Granular Fungicide can be used for both summer patch and dollar spot.

    Please refer to the product label for each disease for more specific information regarding timing, temperatures and repeat application intervals. 

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Displaying 21 to 27 (of 27 questions)