Natural Plant Supplements for Edible Plants

Natural and organic plant supplements give your edible plants a boost of nutrients to give them exactly what they need to thrive, fix certain nutrient deficiencies, and to help the plant produce more fruit. Plant supplements do exactly what they say: they supplement plants with specialized nutrients beyond basics found in fertilizers. 

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A water soluble all-purpose fertilizer for the growth cycle in flowering plants and plant feeding in the garden.

Natural & Organic Plant Supplements for Edible Plants & Gardens

Natural and organic plant supplements for use on edible plants are formulated with nutrients from natural sources instead of synthetic ones. These can include anything from decomposed plant matter, seaweed, animal bones, bat guano, and minerals mined from the earth.

Generally, plant supplements are intended to give plants an extra boost of certain nutrients, either to perform better or to fix specific nutrient deficiencies. Since some edible plants may require different or more of a certain nutrient than other plants, it’s a good way to pinpoint nutrient needs beyond fertilizer applications.

Always read the label carefully to make sure the product you choose not only gives you the results you’re looking for, but also is safe for your edible garden plants.

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