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Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator (or PGR) helps reduce the frequency of mowing while improving density, color, and quality of your turf. Pramaxis PGR is formulated to reduce vertical turf growth while enhancing lateral growth. It increases the stress and drought tolerance of the turf and is safe for both warm season and cool season turf grasses. Pramaxis Plant Growth Regulator is perfect for use on golf courses, and residential and commercial lawns, and sports fields.
Pramaxis PGR contains Trinexapac-ethyl as its active ingredient which is known for controlling the growth of most grass species and crops. Proven to be cost-effective, it enhances the turf's drought tolerance and lessens the use of water. It reduces the labor and equipment for areas that are hard to mow plus, it slows the vertical shoot growth for fewer clippings. This plant growth regulator enhances the lateral growth for healthier turf. Packaged in a convenient 8-ounce bottle.
Compare to Primo Maxx Plant Growth Regulator
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Trinexapac-ethyl - 11.3% |
For use in | Warm and cool-season turfgrasses. |
Application | Apply to healthy, actively growing turf before the onset of stress and continue to apply PRAMAXIS MEC throughout the growing season as long as the turf remains healthy. |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on the label. |
Formulation | Microemulsion Concentrate. |
AK, HI NY (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) |
Special Features | It can be an effective tool in a renovation program. |
Shipping Weight | 0.65 lbs |
Manufacturer | Atticus LLC (Mfg. Number: 540022) |
EPA Registration | 91234-174 |
Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present, or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash water. Do not apply when weather conditions favor drift from treated areas.
PRAMAXIS MEC for turf growth management reduces the frequency of mowing and the amount of grass clippings by reducing the vertical growth of warm- and cool-season turfgrasses. Other benefits, such as increased turf density, increased color, and increased turf quality, are frequently observed after PRAMAXIS MEC applications. PRAMAXIS MEC can be applied to well-maintained, quality turfgrass areas, such as residential and commercial lawns, golf courses, sod farms, sports fields, cemeteries, and similar areas. PRAMAXIS MEC is useful in the management of difficult-to-mow areas and can be used to minimize the need for edging turfgrass along sidewalks, curbs, parking lots, driveways, flower beds, fences and around posts, storage sheds, and trees.
Turf Pre-Stress Conditioning
Multiple PRAMAXIS MEC applications along with cultural practices such as fertilization, irrigation, drainage, mowing height, etc., will delay the onset of stress, improve stressed turfgrass survival, and enhance turf’s recovery from stress.
Apply PRAMAXIS MEC to healthy, actively growing turf before the onset of stress and continue to apply PRAMAXIS MEC throughout the growing season as long as the turf remains healthy.
Turfgrass root-mass is often greater in PRAMAXIS MEC treated turf than in similar, untreated turf. As turf top growth slows, energy is redirected to below-ground plant parts, and root and rhizome production increases. Research has demonstrated that PRAMAXIS MEC may also enhance the performance of fungicides. Monthly applications of PRAMAXIS MEC at the label rate or more frequent applications at lower label rates strengthen the turfgrass to help it resist disease. In addition, if mowing is less frequent, and leaf material removal is reduced, contact and systemic products stay at effective concentrations on or in the turf longer.
Multiple applications of PRAMAXIS MEC will reduce water use and improve drought tolerance. PRAMAXIS MEC applications result in smaller, more compact turfgrass, and leaf area is reduced for transpiration. Increased turf density reduces moisture loss from soil evaporation, and additional soil moisture is available due to increased root depth and mass. PRAMAXIS MEC may increase carbohydrate levels which have been shown to enhance heat and cold tolerance. Repeat applications will improve turf quality in areas of reduced light intensity when applications begin while the turf is still healthy.
PRAMAXIS MEC reaches the growing point by foliar uptake and is rainfast from rainfall or irrigation after one hour. Watering-in is not necessary for activation.
The rates presented in the Application Rate Table provide approximately 50% growth inhibition over a 4-week period with little or no discoloration of turf growing under favorable conditions.
Application Near and Around Monuments and Hardscape Materials:
PRAMAXIS MEC, at normal dilution rates, will not stain brass, bronze, concrete, marble, granite, or other types of stone. Before using PRAMAXIS MEC around other materials, test on a small-scale basis first.
Repeat applications of PRAMAXIS MEC can be made after 7 days during the growing season, however, DO NOT exceed a total of 7.0 fl oz/1,000 sq ft (305 fl oz/A; 19.0 pt/A; 2.4 lbs a.i./A) per year, or a total of 2 fl oz/1,000 sq ft (88 fl oz/A; 5.5 pt/A; 0.68 lbs a.i./A) per application. DO NOT double the single maximum application rate for extended suppression.
The rates presented in the Application Rate Table provide approximately 50% growth inhibition over a 4-week period with little or no discoloration of turf growing under favorable conditions. If applications of PRAMAXIS MEC are made on a weekly or biweekly basis, reduce the lowest rate in the table by at least 50% for the first application and monitor the turf growth to adjust application rate for the desired growth suppression.
*See label for the complete application instructions.
Progress review after 1 application 4 weeks ago
By Gary on 08/31/2020
After one application 4 weeks ago, I've yet to mow the bermuda grass lawn. Which is the good news. As expected, I don't see any progress with horizontal shooters or growth as I believe this product probably needs multiple applications per instructions. However, I'm hesitant to continue the treatment program since the grass discolored from a green to more looking dormant.
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15 of 38 people found this review helpful
Works great
By Ralph on 10/01/2021
Does exactly what it says
By Brett on 09/30/2021
Amazing Product!
By Hailu on 07/11/2022
I applied it last week for the first time at a rate of .25oz/1000 square feet. Before the product I was mowing my grass every other day to maintain the height at 1 and 3/4 inch. Since I applied the product the grass increased in density and green up nicely with no discoloration since I used the Feature water soluble micronutrient with it but above all it has been 6 DAYS ! since I mowed and the grass is still short! definitely I will recommend it.
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4 of 4 people found this review helpful
Great results!
By Patryk on 05/04/2022
Applied 2 applications within 14 days during the spring season and works great. I have a cool season lawn. Its really slows down vertical growth and the grass color really darkens. This product also provides a thicker lawn along with a happy customer!
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2 of 2 people found this review helpful
What time of day is recommended to apply the product? Should the product be applied using a Hose-end or back-pack sprayer?
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The usage rate for Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator will depend the type of area for the application. For residential and commercial turf, the mix rate is 0.10 to 0.15 fl oz per 1000 sq ft. You will need to determine if 1 gallon of water is enough to thoroughly cover a 1000 sq ft area as water is acting as the carrier to get the active ingredient into the lawn. Please view the recommended Rate Chart on page 6 of the product label for more information.
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Is there any temperature limits when this product cannot be applied?
Like most pesticides, Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator should be applied when temperatures are below 85 degrees at the time of application. Please see the label for complete application instructions.
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Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator is a Class A PGR.
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Per the product label, the use of an approved surfactant for turf or spray marker can be used along with Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator.
It is recommended to check the specific surfactant product label for any restrictions or information regarding tank mixing with Plant Growth Regulators.
Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator Rating: 4.6 (9 Reviews / 11 Q&A)