The usage rate for Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator will depend the type of area for the application. For residential and commercial turf, the mix rate is 0.10 to 0.15 fl oz per 1000 sq ft. You will need to determine if 1 gallon of water is enough to thoroughly cover a 1000 sq ft area as water is acting as the carrier to get the active ingredient into the lawn. Please view the recommended Rate Chart on page 6 of the product label for more information.
Like most pesticides, Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator should be applied when temperatures are below 85 degrees at the time of application. Please see the label for complete application instructions.
Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator is a Class A PGR.
Per the product label, the use of an approved surfactant for turf or spray marker can be used along with Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator.
It is recommended to check the specific surfactant product label for any restrictions or information regarding tank mixing with Plant Growth Regulators.
Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator is absorbed through foliar contact on the leaf/blade surfaces. This is not a soil drench application.
Please view the full product label for more information.
Application rates of Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator will vary depending on the type of turfgrass you are applying to and are given per area and not per gallon so is it not recommended to use a hose end to apply. Water is just acting as a carrier for the product, so the amount of water used is not as important as getting the correct amount of product over the correct amount of area. We have a video here that explains how to calibrate your sprayer for the amount of water it takes you to cover 1000 sqft
Please be sure to review the product label for more information and complete application instructions for your turfgrass type. This product is best applied with either a handpump or backpack type sprayer.
You may want to read over our Fertilizer Buyer's Guide for general information to determine what your lawn is in need of, based on Soil Testing and other factors. Per the product label for Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator it may cause temporary yellowing so this is normal. This usually disappears about one week after application. To minimize yellowing and to enchance the green color of turf, apply readily available nitrogen at 0.2-0.5 lb of actual nitrogen per 1000 sqft. If desirable rates of iron per 1000 sqft can also be used.
Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator works by suppressing the vertical growth of only the grasses listed on the product label. It is not intended to be used to stunt grassy weed growth. You would need to use a post emergent to get complete control of those depending on the the type of grassy weeds you are dealing with.
When the vertical growth is stunted, lateral growth is stimulated, creating a thick, dense, and more weed-resistant turf.
Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator should last 5 years if unopened from the manufacturer date & about 3 years once opened and if stored correctly. It should be stored out of direct sunlight & out of extreme temperatures (both hot & cold)
The rate for Pramaxis MEC Plant Growth Regulator will depend on the type of turfgrass you have ranging between 0.10 to 1.0 fl oz per 1000 sq ft (4.5 fl oz to 44 fl oz per acre). Refer to the Application Rate Chart on page 5 of the product label in the Residential & Commercial Column for those rates.
You will need to know the total square footage of the cemetary/lot you are treating. If treating less than an acre, multilply the # of ounces per 1000 sq ft (See Rate Chart) by the total number of square feet to get the total number of fluid ounces of Pramaxis MEC for the application.
For water volume in your sprayer, the product label states to use no less than ½ gallon of water per 1000 sq ft or 20 gallons of water for the application.