Product Q&A

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Greg from York Pa writes

Preventing perenial weeds in english ivy?

I have these weeds that are not prevented by Weed Impede and Gallery. One is thistles but there are others that seem to regrow from roots Suggestions for pre-emergent I bought Casoron 4 from you becuase I thought was pre-emergent but it says Herbicide on label Suggestions? Can I send this back if wrong product


Please give our customer service team a call at 1-866-581-7378 so that we may better go over your needs. Herbicides can be tricky at times and we want to ask you a few questions to better find the best product for you. If the Casoron 4 is not the right product, you can return it as long as it is in the original unopened condition and our customer service team can set up a return number for you while helping you get the correct product. We look forward to assisting you and finding the best solution for your needs.

Answer last updated on: 08/02/2013

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Casoron 4G Herbicide

Casoron 4G Herbicide

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