Yes, Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I is a great product for grub control. Per the product label, to achieve the best control, you should apply just prior to egg hatch. We recommend contacting your local cooperative extension office for the best application timing for your region.
No, the Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F should not stress your tree out if you use the product as directed. It is recommended that you do a foliar application before the onset of high pest populations and reapply as needed.
We appreciate your inquiry. Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F Select T/I has a sehlf life of 3-5 years when stored in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight and away from extreme temperatures.
Yes, Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I can be applied as a soil drench to treat bronze birch borers. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions.
Yes, the Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I is labeled for the emerald ash borer, and is very effective in treating/preventing it. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions.
How long it takes for Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F to translocate through a tree from the roots to the leaves will depend on the size of the tree, growth stage, and the rate at which the product was applied. This could be only a few days for very small plants to several weeks for larger trees. For some plants, this may take 60 days or longer, so the product is best applied before anticipated pest infestations, per the product label.
Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I will last for one year after application as a soil drench and fruit cannot be consumed. Please refer to the product label for specific application instructions (and fruit that product it may be applied to).
Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I needs to be watered in after application in order for it to get down to the roots and be absorbed. It will not be able to do this until it is so absorption will just have to wait until it rains. It is safe to return to the treated area once the application is dry. Mowing should be delayed at least 24 hours
Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I is a great product to be used a drench for Crepe Myrtles and Tea Roses. Typically, you will apply twice a year, Spring and Fall.
Yes Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I? is a great product for grub control. Per the product label, to achieve the best control, you should apply just prior to egg hatch. We recommend contacting your local cooperative extension office for the best application timing for your region.
Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I should be applied and dried prior to allowing dogs and cats in the treated areas.
Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I is applied at 1.5 fl oz per 100 gallons of water for pecan tree applications. Make foliar applications as pests begin to build before populations become extreme. Two applications at a 10 to 14 day interval may be required to achieve control. Scout and retreat if needed. Thorough uniform coverage of foliage is necessary for optimal control. Addition of an organosilicone-based spray adjuvant at a rate not to exceed the adjuvant manufacturer’s specified use rate may improve coverage. RESTRICTIONS: Do not apply more than a total of 18.0 fluid ounces of this product per acre per year. Do not make more than 3 applications per year. Allow 6 or more days between applications. Allow 7 days between last application and harvest.
Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I is labeled to be applied as an injection into trees. Please review the product label your specific treatment.
Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I will last for one year after application as a soil drench.
Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I is applied at 1.5 fl oz per 100 gallons of water for pecan tree applications.
Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I and Dominion 2L Termiticide Concentrate are basically the same product made by two different manufactures. Both products contain the same active ingredient and both have pretty much the same instruction label.
Prime Source Imidacloprid 2F T/I does not require the use of a surfactant or adjuvant except for when treating pecan trees per the product label.