Prime Source Meso 4SC Select does contain the same active ingredient as Tenacity and is currently a more economical choice.
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select can be used as either a spot or a broadcast application. Please consult the product label for complete application instructions.
You can apply Prime Source Meso 4SC at 5-8 oz per Acre for pre-emergent control, which breaks down to 0.11 – 0.18 oz, or 2/3 tsp to 1 tsp per 1000 sq ft. Be sure that you check the more detailed rates on the product label for your specific turfgrass since some grasses require the lower application rates. Usually you will use about 1 gallon of water per 1000 sq ft with a backpack sprayer but be sure you water-in your pre-emergent application after it is made.
Yes, you can reseed anytime after apply Prime Source Meso 4SC as long as you are seeding with a type of grass listed as tolerant on the product label.
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) will keep for 3-5 years from the date of purchase if stored away from extreme temperatures.
It is recommended that you do not mow 2 days before or 2 days after the application of Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide).
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select is not labeled for zoysiagrass.
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select is not labeled for dallisgrass or quackgrass. Please provide your desired turf species for alternate recommendations to fit your needs.
If you are applying Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) as a post-emergent herbicide (to kill existing weeds), then you should wait at least 24 hours before watering the treatment area. If you are applying this product as a pre-emergent herbicide, then you should irrigate the application with 1/4" - 1/2" of water immediately after application for best results.
The Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) F Label product label suggests the product be applied with any non-ionic surfactant.
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) should be applied when there is no rain in the forecast for at least 24 hours following the application.
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select is safe to use in a yard where pets will frequent as long as they are out of the area during the application. They can safely return after the area has dried.
You should not use Prime Source Meso 4SC on your St. Augustine home lawn. This product can be used at reduced rates (no more than 4 oz per Acre) on St. Augustine that is grown for sod only, unfortunately. Your only real option in a residential area would be to use a non-selective herbicide such as Killzall or another non-selective herbicide to spot treat the Nimblewill to kill it directly, and then replant St. Augustine in those areas.
For crabgrass, you can use Atrazine or Blindside to suppress the crabgrass, and Dimension as a pre-emergent for it in the spring.
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select also has pre-emergent activity up to 30 days so it can cause whitening on new seedlings when applied as a broadcast application. You can try to eliminate the whitening with a Chelated Iron product.
It is best to store chemicals such as Prime Source Meso 4SC Select in a cool dry place away from extreme temperatures (below freezing and above 85) and direct sunlight. If the product was exposed to below freezing temperatures and it is separating and will not mix back up, then it would be recommended to replace as it may not be as effective.
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select (Generic Tenacity Herbicide) will keep for 3-5 years from the date of purchase if stored away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight.
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select is not labeled as safe for use on for zoysiagrass. If you would like to tell us some of the weeds you are targeting, then we can recommend a product that is appropriate for your needs.
As long as the seeding and application of Prime Source Meso 4SC Select were done within a week of each other, it should not prevent germination of your grass.