Customer Reviews for PT Alpine Flea and Bed Bug Aerosol

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4.6 of 5 stars
(127 customer reviews)
Displaying 1 to 30 (of 127 reviews)
  • 5 of 5 Stars

    worth every penny! exterminators are a waste of time & money

    By Becky on 02/08/2012

    Verified Purchase

    We tried everything to rid our home of fleas, it was exhausting! Even shelled out $ to an exterminator & found more fleas a month later! All our animals were given capstar & frontline, I vacuumed constantly, nothing worked until this product! I still continue w the vacuuming as a precaution but haven't seen a flea since! & my cat who was deathly sick from fleas is now healthy again! I even order 2 extra cans just in case I ever need again, but taking every precaution not to have these nasty pests again! Who knew they were so hard to get rid of, it took us 6 months & finally discovering this product! We were told hardwood floors were almost impossible to rid of fleas, but that's been proven wrong! I highly recommend this product-save yourself from months of pulling your hair out!

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    107 of 118 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    bug spray

    By Judith on 04/17/2016

    Works very well on bed bugs. knew it would because we had gotten a can from an exterminator. When I looked online for this particular spray, was extremely pleased to have found this. Purchased 2 cans.

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    80 of 84 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bedbug Infestation

    By Judy on 04/23/2017

    This stuff works great! Our whole house had bedbugs (thousands). We have no idea where they came from but, we dealt with the problem for about 3 years! Nothing else worked and we kept getting more and more bedbugs. Now we may see one or two in a month. We continue to spray every 3-4 days or so just in case. We are only on the third can. We recommend this product! It would have cost us over $2000 for Terminix to do their thing with no guarantees.

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    70 of 76 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Product!

    By Anthony on 05/03/2012

    Verified Purchase

    Moved to NC and discovered fleas. Purchased this product and followed the simple instructions and no more fleas! Vacuumed as directed and never saw another flea in the house or on my 3 dogs again!! I would purchase in the future if I ever need it!

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    51 of 53 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Works very well

    By Linda on 04/17/2012

    Verified Purchase

    This product is easy to use and works very well. I used 1-1/2 cans to do my 3700 sq ft house. I had already had a pest control service spray this product the first time. All I can tell you is the fleas are still not entirely gone. Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum. I did not do this enough to start out with. Next, use a good product on your pet. I used Advantage II and will be using it again 10 days later. I also had the yard sprayed. This product alone is not an instant fix in Florida where I live and I doubt anything would be. You still have to get all the eggs.

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    40 of 44 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product for bedbugs

    By Susan on 03/03/2017

    I have tried everything available locally for bedbugs. Nothing worked. I had an exterminator do an inspection of the house an d he said one of the best products an d one they use is Alpine. I researched this on Google an d found it at "Do My Own Pest Control". Finally found a product that works after spending hundreds of dollars on other things, an d best thing is exterminator wanted $800!

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    34 of 34 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    A Big Thank You

    By Anonymous on 07/06/2013

    Verified Purchase

    After being infested with the passing of a pet we struggled with the control of the fleas left behind. We had spent a lot of money buying insecticides from the local Big Box hardware stores and had "bombed" the whole house every three to four days as our flea traps, four spread around the house, indicated one new hatch after another and after constant vacuuming. The "bombings" only knocked the adult population down temporarily until the next cycle / hatch. It was a frustrating and discouraging effort. In desperation I discovered this site and "Alpine" so I decided that at this point I had nothing to lose other than to call a exterminator. With the help of the sales person who had personal experience with this product I ordered two cans to cover the house. Starting on a Saturday I applied the spray as per the instructions along with the usual vacuuming. It was easy and much safer than setting off numerous "bombs" and trying to get out of the house before inhaling the fumes. We went out to dinner and when we got back the spray had already dried with very little residual smell. Immediately the flea count in our traps went down and continued to drop until a week later when we have detected vertually no fleas in the house. Other than twice daily vacuumings we did not apply anything else. At first we detected a few adult fleas in the traps after the spraying, but after a day or two they disappeared and only the little juveniles were being caught. Soon after those numbers dropped off rapidly. I can't say enough other than a big thank you to "Do My Own Pest Control". They have finally brought back peace of mind to our home. It is so nice to be able to enjoy our home again without feeling those fleas hopping on our legs and arms.

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    29 of 31 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Satisfied !

    By Lrw on 09/02/2012

    Verified Purchase

    I used Advantage II on the cat! I used Alpine flea spray on the carpet and everywhere the cat hangs out! Ten days have gone by and so far the fleas are gone!

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    23 of 26 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    GREAT product!

    By Sammy\'s on 10/02/2012

    Verified Purchase

    I used this in conjunction with the Petcor flea spray - they are a force to be reaconed with!! Vacuum, then spray. Repeat a day later, then a week later. You'll be very surprised how great this works. We had a terrible flea season in the Mid-Atlantic states - warm weather last winter added fuel to the fire.

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    20 of 20 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Finally, freedom from fleas!

    By Ls on 09/27/2014

    Verified Purchase

    After 3 weeks of treatment using at least $200 worth of every single product Home Depot offered that mentioned 'flea' on it, someone recommended this website to me (he successfully used product from here to treat an ant invasion). 2 weeks after the first treatment with this aerosol - the fleas are gone. I used two cans of the aerosol even though one should have been enough to treat my cottage 2x over. I went a little overboard on it I think. However, it seems to have worked! I haven't seen a single flea (and I have been trying to find them!) in over 10 days!

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    19 of 19 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Kills em dead

    By Mike on 02/13/2015

    Verified Purchase

    This stuff is what you want. Don't waste your time with anything else. I tried bombs from the hardware store. Worthless. I called an exterminator. He treated twice including my crawl space. Fleas still there. (The exterminator even took some home to his house!) My friend from back home that owns a pest control company said he uses this stuff and has never had a call back. Worked like a charm. Killed em all. Since no product can kill the eggs, you might have to retreat after two weeks but that should take care of the next generation too. Do yourself a favor and treat your yard with IGR while you're at it.

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    18 of 19 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    pt Alpine Flea Bed Bug Aerosol

    By Victor on 10/10/2016

    This product seems to be doing the job for me in bed bug control Have used it several times and it is easy to use.

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    18 of 19 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Alpine spray for Bedbugs

    By Susan on 02/28/2017

    I tried using all bedbug sprays with no success. A pest control rep upon inspection of the house said their main chemical for bedbugs was alpine. I researched on Google and found some at "Do My Own Pest Control". Finally I found a product that works! After 2 treatments repeated 10 days apart, I find maybe 1 every other day. I took the bed completely apart, sprayed wall, frame, and floor. Put the mattress and box springs in bedbug bags and washed mattress protector, blankets, etc in hot water and dried on hot cycle. This has been also 30 days ago and I rarely see a bug! I am going to do this one more time. Only problem I had with the product is it comes out like a fine wet powder and the nozzle wants to clog. So I have 2 cans so I can rotate until it can be flushed with hot water. Great product!

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    17 of 18 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Follow directions

    By Mark on 11/23/2017

    All too often people think if they grab a can and spray it will solve their insect issue. Let's be frank, a professional knows tried and true techniques, where to spray, open the outlets & dust, and apply the right products to the cracks and crevices. A professional knows to look at the curtains, check the ceiling and headboard for females. Diatomaceous Earth was interesting during the 1960s but the science puts Silicon dust way ahead of the old stuff. PT Alpine is to be used with Integrated Pest Management. It comes with a non-locking fogger cap. It will not work vertically, and the can has to be held upside down after shaking. It will spit foam occasionally. It is not to be used on mattresses. Remove the dust cover on the box spring. And use Bedlam instead. Pt Alpine is best used on base boards and carpets. You will need gloves, eye protection, in a full respirator. You will need to apply to curtains and the ceiling above the bed, with another product. This is a 20 ounce can enough for several bedrooms, when used with Bedlam. You do not need 4 cans as some have suggested. A cheap filter mask will not cut it, full respirator will keep you from getting sick.

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    17 of 18 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Worked as advertised.

    By Chu on 06/17/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I used 2 cans of Alpine and 2 cans of ultracide in a course of 10 days. It was probably overkill, but my wife and kids skin reacted very badly to flea bites. We couldn't wait for the flea life cycle to break. We vacated the house and checked every few days (walking around wearing white shocks). If we found any fleas in our socks, We'd do another can. It has been more than a month and we have not seen any flea.

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    15 of 15 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Worked well for 2014 Flea-bola outbreak

    By Mike on 09/17/2014

    Verified Purchase

    This year, the fleas are worse than ever. We use a topical on our 5 indoor cats. Advantage II no longer gets the job done, even applying it every two weeks. We just finished up the second Alpine treatment two days ago. We used it in combination with our regular Talstar/Nygaurd (for cracks and crevices). We treated our cats with Cheristin. We believe we are flea-free. What we liked: - Can be sprayed on carpets, couches, and, most importantly, 100 year old hard wood floors with gaps between the boards. - Convenient to apply, with no mixing required. - It worked. What we didn't like: - It comes out too fast. I found that it is best applied in bursts instead of a steady stream. I ended up using 3 bottles for two treatments of our 1900 sq ft house. - It foams at the tip, causing an uneven spray. Wipe the tip down every dozen bursts or so. - If you don't clean the tip, it spits foam onto the surface you are spraying, causing drying to take longer than necessary. - Must be sprayed in a downward direction, which made it difficult to get under my clawfoot bathtub. What to keep in mind: - When spraying couches, curtains, etc., the square footage adds up. Just order an extra can. - Vacuum. We vacuumed the entire house every day for two weeks, and are continuing every other day after the second treatment. Otherwise you might as well just throw your money away. Overall, we are satisfied with Alpine, and will use it again if we have another outbreak.

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    12 of 13 people found this review helpful

  • 3 of 5 Stars

    Not sure! To early to tell, haven't seen them yet..

    By Sean on 10/21/2017

    Hard to say if PT Alpine worked. I went through 4 cans of this product. The bites been gone about 2 weeks. At first they were still hanging around. We have 2 bedrooms and other's a spare. That's where everything in bsgs went. Most of our books pictures extra clothing are still in vacuum seal or bagged. Most clutter gone. Used many other product's as well. Bedlum. DE Earth big helper overtime for everything, every hole and crack.We feel safe on the couch again. I don't believe this product alone solved the issue. We used at least 5 because the prices are high for one can. I guess thsts how it goes. 81% alcohol and tea tree oil are our new best friends.

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    12 of 18 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Kills fleas

    By Kevin on 09/19/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Forget foggers folks. Put in the hard work to vacuum, treat EVERYTHING with this stuff then vacuum EVERYTHING until you puke (every other day for a month). Then get rid of your animals...

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    10 of 19 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Flea Control!

    By Steph on 06/30/2014

    Verified Purchase

    We had a major flea problem in our house recently. I had flea bites all over my lower legs. We ordered and sprayed the Alpine Flea Insecticide and wa la no more fleas. It is a great product!

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    10 of 11 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    I feel better now

    By Anonymous on 06/05/2013

    A family of possums left behind a huge flea infestation all over my cement garage! Pest Control cost too much. After the first bottle, I did have to vacuum and use a 2nd bottle. It's been 1 month and I'd say 99% success; after pacing garage everyday, I have found 2 fleas. I will vacuum and use a 3rd bottle. I am thrilled w/this product. It's worth every penny! I also like that I can use on furniture.

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    9 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Really Works!

    By Jtgray on 01/25/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Couldn't get the fleas under control. Read reviews on the Alpine Flea Insecticide with IGR and decided to try it. It works. Just followed the directions and it really does the job.

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    8 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    working so far

    By Tam on 06/10/2013

    I discovered I had fleas & used Raid brand flea foggers($14). It worked for about a week at most & then I guess the fleas hatched & went on a rampage (feeding on us). I purchased Alpine Flea sprayed every room on a Thursday (6/07/13), and as of Sunday (6/09/13) no fleas. I'm overly pleased so far. We haven't had anymore new bites since.I've been vacuuming and sweeping every room everyday since Thursday. I have 3 rooms with carpet & the rest of the house has tile. I sprayed all flooring except my closets so I hope they're not taking up refuge in there. I will probably follow up with second spraying 2weeks from the first spraying to make sure I killed them all off for good hopefully. I will post updates periodically on product effectiveness.

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    8 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great solution to Bedbugs

    By Chris on 08/01/2020

    I had tried burning my rooms myself at 140 degrees for 40 minutes, melted all the spst switches in my overhead lighting and fans. Melted my blinds too. Probably because I did not move furniture around during the burn two weeks later they were back (but not as bad). I have sprayed bleach and lavender right on them- or alcohol and lavender and they still would crawl away. My landlord gave me a can of the flea/bedbug formula - PT Alpine- and a few sprays (not too much) everywhere except where my skin contacted like on my bed, and the next day did not see a ONE!! Did this again two weeks later and used up the can. BUT NO MORE BEDBUGS! Bought this second can just to put off my fears but frankly, I think they are gone permanently! HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT.

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Must have for flea control!

    By Mike on 09/17/2013

    Verified Purchase

    I have feral rescue cats that I keep in a kennel with concrete floors. I have used lots of things,D.E., sprays etc. They worked some but only after several applications. In the spring when the temperature gets warm enough, the fleas will come out almost overnight and cover my pant legs as soon as I go in there. This spring I ordered this product and sprayed the floors and anyplace I could. Within a couple of days there were no fleas at all! Even today, 9-17-13 there are no fleas. I also used it on one of my rentals that had fleas and it worked flawlessly. If you have a flea problem, order this and I think you will cure that problem. Just like all of the other products I have ordered from here, they work as described.

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    7 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Death to all fleas

    By Dee on 06/03/2014

    Verified Purchase

    We were overwhelmed and discouraged by the daunting task of ridding our home of fleas! We ordered the kit with Alpine flea insecticide, and CimeXa insecticide dust. We watched the video and followed the directions to a T (vacuum, spray, dust, vacuum... vacuum, vacuum, vacuum...repeat in 14 days). It is VERY important that you follow all the directions, and vacuum EVERY day! I am happy to say that we are flea free and loving this product! IT REALLY WORKS! PLEASE NOTE: The kit comes with 2 cans of Alpine spray and 2 bottles of CimeXa dust. It states that this should be enough to complete the application the 2 times needed for a 2000 square foot house. My home is 1400 square feet, and I ended up having to order 3 more bottles of spray and 1 more bottle of dust to complete the 2 applications. It was however well worth it because it did the job wonderfully!

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    7 of 9 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Bedbug treatments

    By Gramsky on 09/06/2017

    Use this product in our protocol to eliminate bedbugs. Have great success!

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    7 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Great product

    By Gwendolyn on 09/29/2017

    Better than the product is this company. They are really bend over backwards to help you. In this day in age it's hard to find a company that understand how to treat a customer..but they really do!!

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    7 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 3 of 5 Stars

    still have fleas

    By Jim on 02/07/2013

    Tried both products/indoor and outdoor. Outdoor did not work. Sprayed twice. Still have fleas even with recommend application. _

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    6 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    super helpful and easy

    By Becky on 02/19/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Returning customer and Always happy. Great products. Fast shipping, and always have helpfull advice.

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    6 of 7 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    only thing that works

    By Jill on 07/13/2019

    Have fleas (and not pets). tried using other products from Home Depot but didnt work. Bought 2 cans, used 1 and fleas have not come back after 1 month. Didnt vacuum like we should and still did the job. House is approx 2400 sqft. This is truly the best product around!

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    6 of 7 people found this review helpful

Displaying 1 to 30 (of 127 reviews)