PT Wasp Freeze II Aerosol is a contact kill product so it will not leave a residual to continue to target the wasps or prevent them from going to the tree.
PT Wasp Freeze II Aerosol can be used as a contact kill outdoors on the exterior of homes, building, landscape beds, including on and around bushes, trees and shrubs where bees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets and spiders are active.
Per the product label regarding pollinators, avoid spraying or spray drift around blooming crops or weeds while bees are actively visiting the treatment area.
Wasp Freeze Aerosol is for outdoors use only. Nests in ceiling areas are best treated by drilling into the infested void and injecting the nest with Tempo 1% Dust.
1) Locate the nest. If you are not sure exactly where the nest is located, use a listening device to hone in as close as possible to the exact location.
2) Drill small holes directly into the nest from inside of the structure. If it is not possible to drill from the inside, the drilling can be done outside. If you do this, be sure to leave any outside entrance holes open until the beginning of fall when hatching is sure to be completed. Then the entrance may be sealed to prevent further nest establishment.
3) Apply Tempo 1% Dust liberally using a Centrobulb Duster (for easier application)
4) Seal any inside holes.
5) Repeat in 3 to 4 months to control for newly hatched yellow jackets.
PT Wasp Freeze II Aerosol - 17.5 oz can be used for meat bees to kill on contact if sprayed directly. It would be best to use when dogs are not in the area to be accidentially sprayed or contact the product.
Which product(s) you would use for wasp control is entirely dependent on where and how you are trying to treat for them. If you are looking for something to spray them as you see them flying around or where you have access to spray a whole nest hanging you could use a contact kill spray like Wasp Freeze. If you see they have a nest in a void of the home or in the ground that you can't spray directly, you would need to treat the entry point they are using with a dust like Delta Dust to allow them to take it back to rest of the population.
Yes, if any items that were exposed to overspray of PT Wasp Freeze II Aerosol, we would recommend using soap and warm water to clean any items that were over sprayed.