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Linda writes

I purchased ExciteR, but my son says it didn't destroy the wasps on his porch. What happened?

What could my problem be? I suggested maybe he didn't kill the queen. Am I right?


ExciteR has the active ingredient of pyrethrin. Pyrethrin must be sprayed directly on the target insects to have be effective. Once ExciteR is dry, it may have a somewhat repellent effect but all the killing power is gone. We recommend using a product that has a residual such as Cyper WP. Cyper WP is a wettable powder that you mix with water. You should spray wasp nests directly when possible and also areas where you have seen the wasps landing and walking around. Cyper WP will not offer an immediate knockdown of wasps. The wasps must land on the area that has been sprayed and then have time to succumb to the effects of the insecticide. For an immediate knockdown use Wasp Freeze to spray the wasps directly. For best results, and to lessen the chances of being stung, treat wasps nests very late in the evening or very early in the morning when the wasps are less active.

Answer last updated on: 07/15/2010

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