David from Bartlett, Tn writes
The Demand G label says that to avoid insects growing a resistance to the product I should rotate Demand G with products with different modes of action and avoid treatment of successive generations with Demand G Insecticide. How long can I use Demand G before rotating with another product? How long would I be using the product before interacting with a successive generation? I don't want to create pesticide resistant insects. I was going to order another bag for this spring/summer, but now I'm not sure if I should and go with a different granule product that kills springtails? Currently I apply demand G granules outside every 2 months between February and August.
Typically as long as you are not under/over applying or incorrectly applying an insecticide, resistance is highly unlikely and would take long periods of incorrect applications to occur. If you have not started to see signs of the Demand G Granules efficacy reduce or be ineffective, you could continue to use it. Should you wish to rotate to a different granule insecticide, DeltaGard Granules would be a great choice.
Answer last updated on: 03/23/2021