Yes, QuickSilver Herbicide will eradicate white clover and ground ivy. Please refer to the product label for complete mixing and application instructions.
Yes, the pipette that comes with QuickSilver Herbicide is in mL for treating small areas.
As with most herbicides the exact volume of water is not very important; you just need to be sure you are getting the correct amount of product on a specific area. In the case of Quicksilver, you will need to use 0.021 - 0.154 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft of area. You can apply the specified amount of product in 0.5 to 4.0 gallons (plus specified amount of surfactant) per 1000 sq.ft.. Use higher spray volumes when there is a dense weed population or turfgrass canopy or where uniform coverage is difficult to obtain. For spot treating weeds, other than moss, with hand-held or backpack sprayers mix 0.030 fluid ounces (0.9 milliliters) of this product in one to two gallons of water to treat 1000 square feet. Please refer to the QuickSilver product label for complete usage instructions.
Yes, QuickSilver Herbicide is safe to use on Floratam blend of St Augustine grass. Apply QuickSilver T&O Herbicide at rates of 1.0 to 2.1 fluid ounces of product per acre -0.023 to 0.048 fluid ounces per 1000 square feet.
According to the label, Tenacity Herbicide can be mixed with QuickSilver Herbicide and a non-ionic surfactant. Unfortunately, we don't carry the 0.169 fl oz pack of QuickSilver to be able to give you a recommendation of how much can be used. We recommend reading the label of the product or calling the manufacturer which is FMC, they can be reached at 1-800-321-1362.
You do not want/need to water after a post emergent application. QuickSilver T&O Herbicide is rainfast within one hour after application.
The label rate for QuickSilver T&O Herbicide 0.030 oz. per 1-2 gallons of water per 1,000 sq. ft. Please consult the label for complete application instructions.
QuickSilver Herbicide is not labeled for Hyprochaeris radicata, which is also Flat weed or False Dandelion but will work for red sorrel. Fertilome Weed Free Zone is safe for many turf types and will eradicate false dandelion. We do not recommend applying when there is wind and you should apply to lawns that are not under stressed and when temperatures are above 85 degrees.
QuickSilver Herbicide should not be applied in a hose-end sprayer. As with most herbicides, the exact volume of water is not very important: you just need to be sure you are getting the correct amount of product on a specific area. In the case of Quicksilver, you will need to use 0.021 - 0.154 fl oz per 1,000 sq ft of area. You can apply the specified amount of product in 0.5 to 4.0 gallons (plus specified amount of surfactant) per 1000 sq.ft.. Use higher spray volumes when there is a dense weed population or turfgrass canopy or where uniform coverage is difficult to obtain. For spot treating weeds, other than moss, with hand-held or backpack sprayers mix 0.030 fluid ounces (0.9 milliliters) of this product in one to two gallons of water to treat 1000 square feet. Please refer to the QuickSilver product label for complete usage instructions.
Per the label, the rate for QuickSilver Herbicide for moss is 6.7 oz. per acre, or 0.154 oz. per 1000 square feet. This should be followed by a second application in two weeks at the same rate.
Unfortunately, QuickSilber Herbicide is not labeled for alligator weed, and would not control it. Most likely in your situation the best recommendation we can make would be RoundUp for spot spraying to get rid of it. There are not other herbicides that are labeled for this except ones that control aquatic weeds.
Yes, QuickSilver Herbicide will control Prostrate Knotweed. The QuickSilver Herbicide product label recommends applying QuickSilver Herbicide at rates of 1 to 2 fluid ounces per acre, or 0.023 to 0.048 fluid ounces per 1,000 square feet.
QuickSilver Herbicide does list Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue as tolerable turfgrass species on the product label. Please refer to Page 2 for specific instructions on overseeding.
QuickSilver Herbicide is labeled for eradicating prostrate knotweed and spotted spurge but not for the other species of spurge requested. It is labeled for applications on established Centipede lawns as they are generally tolerable but they can be sensitive and the product could cause yellowing. Hi-Yield Atrazine Weed Killer is safe for Centipede (if applied as directed) and kills spurge and knotweed.