is harmful to bees especially during the first few hours of application and should NOT be applied to blooming, pollen-shedding or nectar-producing parts of plants when bees are foraging.
According to the Radiant SC Insecticide Product Label, for peppers of a wide variety: • Preharvest Interval: Do not apply within 14 days of harvest. • Do not apply more than a total of 39 fl oz of Radiant SC (0.305 lb ai spinetoram) per acre per year. • Maximum Number of Applications: Do not make more than five applications per calendar year. See Resistance Management regarding number of applications for specific pests. • Minimum Treatment: Do not make applications less than 10 days apart.
The recommended water volume amount for applying Radiant SC Insecticide is 5-10 gallons of water per acre per the label. We would recommend contacting the manufacturer directly for assistance in breaking mix rates down to smaller volume quantities as it will depend on size area you are treating, the specific fruit and target pests.
Corteva Agriscience can be reached directly at 1-800-258-3033 .