Ramik Mole and Gopher Bait Rodenticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 questions)
  • Asked by Ellen from Placerville
    Do gophers continue to eat, after injestion, for 5 days before they die?
    If they continue chomping away for 5-7 days while the poison take effect, that's a LOT of damage!
    The active ingredient contained in Ramik Mole and Gopher Bait is Diphacinone, an anticoagulant which requires that an animal eat multiple doses of the bait over several days before the animal dies. 
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  • Asked by Richard from Tenn.
    Is Ramik Mole and Gopher Bait harmful to squirrels, birds, etc?

    Yes, Ramik Mole and Gopher Bait label specifies this product is toxic to mammals, birds, and other wildlife. 

    • This product may only be applied at the use sites and by the application methods indicated on this label.
    • This product may only be used to control moles or pocket gophers in manual, below-ground applications. There are State-specific limitations on use of this product to control moles.

    Please make sure to refer to product label for all application instructions. 

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  • Asked by Vince from Columbia
    The Ramik Mole and Gopher Bait Rodenticide did not work for me and I posted a negative review to let others know of my experience however, the review was never posted. Why?
    The product did not work at all for me, even after several applications

    Thank you for your email. We receive thousands of customer reviews that must be reviewed by a staff member before being published on our website. We apologize that sometimes the high volume of review causes this process to take longer than we would like.

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  • Asked by Steve from Fulton, Mississippi
    Is Ramik Mole and Gopher Bait safe for dogs and cats?

    Ramik Mole and Gopher Bait needs to be kept away from children and pets but is safe as long as it is used as directed. 

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  • Asked by Carla from Agency, Iowa
    Is Ramik Mole and Gopher Bait Rodenticide harmful to dogs or cats if they were to eat a dead mole?

    Ramik Mole and Gopher Bait Rodenticide is considered to be extremely toxic to mammals, birds and other wildlife.

    The product label does advise that dogs, cats and scavenging mammals and birds might be poisoned if they were to feed upon animals that have died from consuming the bait. 

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  • Asked by Joseph from Cordova Tn
    How do you use it and is it poison to dogs
    Ramik Mole and Gopher Bait must be applied directly into moles' or pocket gophers' burrow systems. This product is extremely toxic to mammals, birds, and other wildlife. Dogs, cats, and scavenging mammals and birds might be poisoned if they feed upon animals that have eaten this bait.
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Displaying 1 to 6 (of 6 questions)