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Geo.paddleford writes

Ready to use "moss out", but what setting for light moss? product is "Scotts edgeguard MINI" spreader


 Lilly Miller Moss Out Lawn Granules is to be applied at the rate of 20 lbs. per 4,000 square feet for heavy moss infestations or 20 lbs. per 5,000 square feet for lighter moss infestations. One pound of this product is equal to approximately 1 ½ cups.  If your spreader settings go from 1 to 10 (1 letting out the least and 10 letting out the most) you typically want to be around a 3 setting.  If your spreader goes from 1 to 20, you should probably be around a 6 or 7 setting.  The goal is to just run out of product when you are done walking the 1000 square feet.  One person may walk faster than someone else, so they may place It on a higher setting than someone that walks slower.

Answer last updated on: 10/12/2014

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