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Steven from Topeka, Ks writes

Regarding the Advance Termite Bait System

If I bought it now, should I install it in the Fall, or wait until Spring? If I install them in the fall, they will have time to "settle in" to the surrounding, but they will be exposed to elements longer, get wet, wood breakdown, require cleanout sooner, etc. What do you think?


The best time to treat for termties is after the winter in the spring. That is because it is easiest to install the Advance Termite Bait Stations or apply a termiticide when the ground is softer than when the ground is frozen. Also, peak activity usually starts right as the winter is ending and into the spring. It really depends on your location. Also depending on the amount precipitation can cause the wood base to get soggy or moldy quicker and need replacing.

Answer last updated on: 11/05/2013

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