Safari 20SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 149 questions)
  • Asked by Henry from Lawrenceburg, Ky
    What is the mix rate for Safari 20?
    I can't seem to find the mix rate for Safari 20 when used as a soil drench around ash trees to treat the Emerald Ash Borer. I did note that the mix could also be sprayed directly on the bark around the trunk of the tree. Which is more effective and requires the least amount of chemical?

    The mixing ratio of Safari 20SG Systemtic Insecticide is 1.5 - 2.0 fl. oz. per inch of the trunk diameter. This needs to be mixed in at least 5-10 gallons of water. Remember, the important thing about using this product is that the water is a carrier. The amount of product is what is important. 

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  • Asked by Michele from Tiffin, Ohio
    What is the half-life of this product with respect to the level of water PH when mixed?
    We are trying to see how long it takes the product to start to degrade and lose its effectiveness.
    If kep out of the heat Safari 20SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran will last between 3-5 years. The mixed solution needs to be used within 24 hours of mixing.
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  • Asked by Kathy from Media, Pa
    We plan on using this product on our ash tree for ash borer. When is good time to apply?
    You  can apply the Safari 20SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran at any time as long as the ground is not frozen or when the plant is dormant. If you are already seeing activity then you can apply right away.
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  • Asked by Tommy from Rockford, Va
    There does not seem to be any instructions for use of Safari as a basal truck spray. ie. Hemlock Wooly Adelgid

    Safari can be applied as a basal trunk spray.  It is part of a product label that is distributed by the manufacturer.

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  • Asked by John from Olympia, Wa
    Does this kill bumblebees, honeybees or ladybugs?
    Does this kill bumblebees, honeybees or ladybugs?
    Yes, Safari 20SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran is highly toxic to bees and may harm other beneficials.
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  • Asked by Rick from Oshkosh
    What is the amount of Safari 20SG to add to a gallon sprayer for emerald ash borer?
    I have a gallon sprayer and Safari 20 G crystals but do not know exact amount to mix with a gallon of water

    You would use 12 – 24 oz of Safari 20G per gallon of water if you are using as a basal trunk spray on trees or large shrubs per the product label.  If you are trying to spray as a foliar or broadcast spray for treatment of small areas: 1/2 - 1.0 tsp per gallon.  If you are trying to apply as a drench to the soil there is not going to be an amount per gallon but an amount per inch of shrub height or truck diameter.  Pages 10-11 explain the rates for this.

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  • Asked by David from Venice, Fl
    How much Safari should I mix with one gallon of water for soil drench to treat scale on Hibiscus?
    I have a Hibiscus tree and three bushes covered with armored scale. I want to do a soil drench and need to know how much Safari granules to mix in a gallon of water for a systemic application.

    When doing a soil drench wtih Safari 20SG or any other systemic insecticide, the exact amount of water is not as important as using the correct amount of product. Your water is a carrier for the active ingredient, so you just need to use a sufficient volume of water to mix and apply the insecticide. To treat shrubs, you would use 3 to 6 grams (1.25 - 2.5 level teaspoons) of Safari 20SG per foot of shrub height, using 1-4 pints of water per foot of shrub height or per inch of trunk diameter for trees.

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  • Asked by Lindsay from Tracy City, Tn
    What is the mix rate to treat hemlock woolly adelgid using Safari 20SG?
    What is the mix rate of this product please for a 4 gallon spray container. How many inches from the base of the tree do I spray? How many times do I go around the tree when I do spray? A couple times around per tree? How many times does this need to be completed-yearly?

    Per the product label for Safari 20SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran when using as a basal trunk spray to treat Hemlock Wooly Adelgids:  You use12-24 oz per gallon Depending on bark type and thickness, one gallon of spray solution will typically cover 65-85” of cumulative trunk diameter (1.5-2.0 fl oz per inch of trunk diameter) when applied to trunk between soil surface and 4-5 feet above soil surface.  When sprayed on the trunk, Safari 20 SG Insecticide will be absorbed through the bark and into the vascular system, and then transported throughout the tree. Speed of control will be dependent on tree size, tree health, environmental conditions and how actively pests are feeding. In actively transpiring trees, control may be evident within 1-3 weeks after application. Spray bark on root flare (buttress roots) and on trunk between soil surface and 4-5 feet above the soil surface. Adjust nozzle to uniformly distribute spray over the entire circumference of the tree trunk and buttress roots. Wet bark just to the point of saturation and run off onto soil. Apply ONLY with a low volume sprayer operated at less than 20 PSI to prevent tree damage, bounce back and drift of spray droplets. Time applications to coincide with when most vulnerable pest life stage is present on plants. Do not apply to wet bark, during rainfall or if rain is expected within 12 hours. Control may be less effective in trees with thick bark, and at times when trees are not actively growing or transpiring.

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  • Asked by Chris from Makawao, Hi
    How much Safari 20SG do I add to 1 gallon water?
    The usage rate will depend on what you are using the product for. Please let us know what you will be using Safari for so we can better help you determine the correct usage rate for your needs.
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  • Asked by E from Baton Rouge
    What is the shelf life of Safari 20SG after the bottle is opened?
    Am considering getting the large size but it may take me a while to get through it. I am talking about how long it lasts unmixed, just in the bottle. THANKS

    Safari 20SG should be stable on the shelf at least 3 years if stored in a dry, temperate environment out of direct sunlight.

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  • Asked by James from Ephrata, Pa
    How is Safari 20SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran mixed for drenching for spotted lanternflies?

    Unfortunately there are no products known labeled for lanternfly control, including Safari. Spotted Lantern Fly is an invasive pest only found in certain areas of Pennsylvania right now. Penn State Extension has set up an entire website to help track and control this pest. Please visit this site for information on how to report this pest and non-chemical steps recommended:

    Further information for homeowners can be found here:

    Some folks are treating trees with dinotefuran, although since these products are not yet labeled for this pest, we cannot be certain as to the efficacy.

    When doing a soil drench with Safari 20SG or any other systemic insecticide, the exact amount of water is not as important as using the correct amount of product. Your water is a carrier for the active ingredient, so you just need to use a sufficient volume of water to mix and apply the insecticide. To treat shrubs, you would use 3 to 6 grams (1.25 - 2.5 level teaspoons) of Safari 20SG per foot of shrub height, using 1-4 pints of water per foot of shrub height or per inch of trunk diameter for trees.

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  • Asked by Karen from Vicskburg, Ms
    For how long does Safari kill insects on treated plants?
    Safari 20SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran will typically be effective for 3-6 months following a systemic application to plants.
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  • Asked by James from Boles, Ar The Tree Is In Ft. Smith Ar.
    Will Safari 20SG kill carpenter worms?
    I'm arborist and own a tree service; I've come across a Red Oak that has a number of problems, besides the borers for which I recommended a systemic insecticide {safari or Bayer landscape} , the tree also has misltoe, Hypoxylon canker which are being removed if the damage is to great. However the other day I found a couple carpenterworms in the tree and am concerned that there is a bigger infestation in the tree and was concerned that the systemic insecticides would not affect the carpenterworm.
    Safari is not labeled for carpenter worm control and would likely only help provide control of the insects if they are sprayed directly before they bored beneath the bark. Systemic insecticides in general will not work for this pest because they live just beneath the bark. Unfortunately control is usually limited to only mechanical control by probing the tunnels with a wire to kill pupa, larva and eggs and then sealing the holes or destroying heavily infested trees.
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  • Asked by Isabelle from Houston, Texas
    Will Safari kill white flies and aphids in an orchids greenhouse?
    How many times do I have to spray, and what is the application per gallon of water for misting system set 1:100? Is a 3lb size in liquid or solids??
    Yes, Safari is labeled for white flies and aphids in a greenhouse. You would spray once and if it is necessary to do a second application, it should be done 14-21 days after the inital one. The application is 1:100. It is a water soluble granule.
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  • Asked by Ivy from Aspen, Colorado
    To control spidermites on a tropical plant in a home should I Safari systemic granules or foliar spray?
    Safari 20SG cannot be used indoors and it is not labeled for spider-mite control. We are unaware of any systemic product that is labeled for indoor use for spider-mite control. Instead we would recommend a foliage spray product such as Talstar P which is labeled for use on ornamental plants indoors and is also labeled for spider-mites.
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  • Asked by Adam
    What's a good surfactant to mix with Safari 20SG Dinotefuran for Emerald Ash Borer?
    I want maximum penetration into the tree.
    The Non-Ionic Surfactant for Herbicides would be a great choice. It will increase the penetration, coverage and overall effectiveness of almost any herbicide, fungicide or insecticide.
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  • Asked by Susan from Mills River. Nc
    Is it really necessary to use mixed Safari within 24 hours of mixing?
    I read in one of your answers that the solution must be used within 24 hours, but I do not see that on the label. Can you confirm?

    Although most manufacturers do not print a time limit for using mixed product on the label, the general rule of thumb is to use or discard insecticides (including Safari) within 24 hours.  This is because the active ingredient can start to break down after that time and cause the solution to become less effective.  Some insecticides also can damage sprayer parts if left for long periods of time.  

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  • Asked by Jason from Cleveland, Oh
    How much Safari 20SG do I use for EAB treatment?
    Hi, I'm trying to figure the correct amount of Safari granules to add to one gallon of water to use in my garden sprayer. I am treating 6 smaller ash trees approx. 7-8” diameter each. Thank you.

    You can use Safari 20SG as either a soil drench around the base of the trees or as a basal trunk treatment. If you are using a 1 gallon sprayer, then it sounds like you are wanting to do a basal trunk treatment. You would use 12 – 24 oz per gallon of water.  Depending on bark type and thickness, one gallon of spray solution will typically cover 65-85” of cumulative trunk diameter. 

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  • Asked by Mary from Huntersville
    Will Safari 20SG prepared as a soil drench control scale on a pin oak?
    Pin oak is planted in a 3 foot strip of soil between the road and sidewalk in a subdivision. No wonder it's stressed!
    Safari is certainly labeled to control scale, but honestly if will control it or not will depend more on what type of scale it is (soft or armored) and what life cycle/stage it is in as more mature stages can be almost impossible to control. Can you give us more information or see if a pest control company in your area can identify the type of scale you have?
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  • Asked by Williamthompson from Farmingdale Ny
    I have a miniature weeping cherry tree planted three years ago it has soft scale will safari work?
    The tree has a 10 inch circumference trunk 6 foot tall 7 foot wide. Last year it looked very good this spring it looks quite ill I did spray it with seven and arbors oil.
    Yes, Safari 20SG Systemic Insecticide with Dinotefuran is labeled for soft scale.
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 149 questions)