Terrible Bait
By Anthony on 09/01/2019
Terrible Bait. The reviews led me to try this bait. The first Pail I purchased was unusable as it had white oxidation all over it . When I returned it the manufacturer said "they have had some production challenges" So they sent me another pail and never got any hits on their bait.This pail was not sealed and the bait was hard and not soft at all. I ended up trying Fastrac and immediately noticed acceptance.
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92 of 102 people found this review helpful
A slow process
By Thomas on 04/29/2019
Since granular rodent baits were banned I have looked for a locally available and effective replacement. In my experience no self-respecting rodent would touch a green block with a ten foot pole. I discovered possibly three Norway rat nests in the insulated area under the floor of an unoccupied mobile home I bought and was working on. There was no human or animal food sources inside, or any activity at indoor bait stations with green blocks. I ordered Solontra and placed three stations with three blocks each on the ground under the suspect areas, based on rat urine smell, starting about a month ago. The bait was consumed every night for about a week and then ceased. I found one dead rat about 100' away. After about 4 days consumption resumed for about another week. I am finally down to one nest I believe. Consumption had ceased for 8 days and resumed last night. I am wondering at this point if it is possible for smart rats to continue eating sublethal doses indefinitely. I will continue to bait and monitor stations there and around my home using Solontra from now on. I would be interested to know more about maintaining the shelf life of this product.
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41 of 46 people found this review helpful
The only rodent bait comparable to contrac
By Jimmy on 09/27/2018
In the Houston area we've tried many baits including Final but selontra and contrac are the only ones that get results The customer I just revisited I put out about 4 selontra baits in a EZ secure bait box all 4 (maybe even 5) were eaten with nothing left 2 of the plastic wraps were even sitting about a foot away from the bait box like they'd been dragged on their feet. Also not as lethal as contrac for dogs and kids I believe and it has bitrex so it's very unlikely for a kid to eat it and not spit it out
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32 of 34 people found this review helpful
My Mice just won't eat it
By Ronald on 10/01/2020
I have an eternal problem with field mice. They eat my Eaton Bate Blocks like it was cotton candy and it started to feel like I was feeding them. The more I put out, the more they seemed to eat. So I switched to Selontra. Expensive, but I wanted a better solution. Result: Not a single one of the dozens of packets have ever been touched once. After a few weeks I put out more Bate Blocks and guess what? The mice are nibbling on them like mad. If I put one next to the other, the Bait Block gets eaten and the Selontra is yet untouched. Would anyone want the rest of my pail? It's useless to me!
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23 of 26 people found this review helpful
Very effective bait
By John on 12/06/2019
As advertised.
By Scott on 02/23/2018
After review of the product and completing the BASF training on this product, I purchased it as soon as it became available. Having a client location suited to conduct my own test so as to ensure palatibilty or acceptance I am satisfied it is as presented by the manufacturer. It will provide an effective level of control while reducing operating costs. I will recommend it as worth trying to any PCP.
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17 of 23 people found this review helpful
Does Not Work
By Jonathan on 12/28/2019
Not working at all
By Ashley on 09/18/2020
The pest control company refilled the bait stations with this product, after two weeks, there were more mice running around, opened the bait stations, those green rocks had not been touched by mice at all. No wonder the mice running around looking for food.
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14 of 16 people found this review helpful
Rats won't eat it
By Jarod on 09/19/2020
Hard to tell
By Ron on 07/17/2020
Switched to this from JT Eaton bait blocks. The mice have eaten every last crumb of the old bait, but haven't yet touched the new Selontra. I'm sure it works well, but my mice are either spoiled or just picky eaters. Hopefully now hunger will get them to experiment with this new bait. I'll keep you posted.
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8 of 9 people found this review helpful
Simply superb for Chitown
By D on 01/15/2021
Chicago is the ratiest city in the US. Why? Because they are immune to the blue/green blocks. You will get tons of action at first using Selontra. Then none. BECAUSE THAT GROUP IS DYING IN THEIR BURROWS. Only when a new group moves in will the feeding begin again. Rats only need ONE feeding of this vs multiple of the blocks. So it's worth 3-5x the price. Selontra can get all nasty looking with the weather changes, but that does NOT change its effectiveness. Crazy great stuff. My problem is my bait station holes are too small for Chicago rats! They will eventually chew the entryway larger. That should be cool to see.
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7 of 7 people found this review helpful
Bad Formulation
By Susan on 11/12/2021
Despite the fact that this bait contains an active ingredient that is known to kill rodents, the formulation of this bait is lousy despite the steep price tag. I have purchased three separate bins of this stuff and the quality has varied. One batch was dried out (crumbly when block unwrapped) and whitish. But, regardless, the rodents (mice and rats) would not touch the fresher looking product either. This is the only bait I have ever used that generated ZERO attraction to the various species of rodents on my property. It also deteriorates/molds very quickly once applied. Given that I observed no rodent interest in this product of any kind, it is my conclusion that the fragrance and taste of this product is not attractive at all to various species of mice and various species of rats. Additionally, it is of note that the number of favorable reviews of this product on this site and others has not gone up even though this product was introduced many years ago. If it was good then we would see that in the reviews and we don't. Nuff Said
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5 of 5 people found this review helpful
rodent bait
By Rusty on 11/06/2020
this is the best i have ever used , it has control 6 locations i have. it has only taken one night and i do not see or hear a Mouse anymore , i have found them laying just inches from the bait , so you know asap it works. i have given bags of the bait to my family so that they can too, be free from the mice that come into the house , out builds, garage ,shop and etc. if you want to be free from a Mouse or more in your house get this bait and your troubles are gone. Thanks Rsuty
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4 of 5 people found this review helpful
My Pest Guy gave me 4, all gone
By Paul on 01/31/2020
Particular rats
By Mary on 03/12/2021
Selontra Rodent Bait
By Pat on 11/05/2021
Have had great success
By Ruben on 11/07/2023
This stuff works really good, people have had good and bad experiences. And it's important to note that different environments will have varrying results. I have had excellent success with this bait however, every now and then they don't take the bait and it's good to have an alternative source. But this goes for any baits
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Selontra Rodent Bait
By James on 11/17/2023
By Nikonphotopro on 08/22/2023
Kill Rodents
By Richard on 06/14/2024
Mice Be gone
By Karen on 11/16/2024
It's one of our "go to" baits in our business
By Ivan on 02/02/2025
We service over four hundred rodent accounts a year here in the Northeast. Many customers are concerned with the secondary poisoning of raptors, coyotes, and foxes. In lab tests, the active ingredient in Selontra (cholecalciferol) has a "low" risk of secondary poisoning in mammals and raptors. I've tested Selontra for palatability alongside some of the top soft baits, like First Strike. Both rats and mice did "hit" consistently on the soft bait and Selontra. Yes, the soft baits tend to be more attractive, but the rodents still feed on Selontra. It's one of our most reliable products in the field. If you find Norway Rat or Mice, not consuming higher quantities of it, verses other baits, it's because this is the nature of the product. A "stop feed" is inherent in the active ingredient cholecalciferol's mode of action. This means they do not continue to feed once they've consumed the product, unlike the anticoagulant products. So eating less doesn't mean it's not working. To the contrary, it's a potent product. Please be aware that while it's secondary poisoning characteristics are considered lower than Second Gen Anti Coagulants, it's primary poisoning is HIGH. Homeowners please be careful, and that goes without saying that all rodenticides are in essence, a food attractant with poison. Please READ THE LABEL carefully. Too many nontarget animals(and sometimes humans) are exposed to rodenticide injury and death annually by misuse and lack of understanding. If you are in any way unsure of what you're doing, please at the very least, consult a pest control professional for advice. Be safe!