Sevin Concentrate - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 528 questions)
  • Asked by Larry from Atlanta , Ga
    What are the mixing instructions for Sevin Concentrate?
    You will need to mix 1.5 - 3.0 fl oz of Sevin per gallon of water for most applications. You can see the Sevin product label for complete usage instructions by clicking on this link: PRODUCT LABEL. Product labels are also available on individual product pages on our website in the product description box.
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  • Asked by Carol from Loveland
    Does the Sevin concentrate wash off in the rain? We are spraying pine trees
    As long as the Sevin application has had about 24 hours to dry before rain fall occurs the application should not wash off of the treated area.
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  • Asked by Rick
    How much Sevin Concentrate do I need to use per gallon of water for tomatoes?
    What concentration for tomatoes? And bi-weekly maybe but not more than 5 times per season?
    You will need to use 1.5 oz of Sevin Concentrate per gallon of water. The maximum applications of Sevin concentrate for tomatoes per season is 7, applied as necessary. The last application of Sevin concentrate must be at least 3 days before harvest.
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  • Asked by Debbi from Greensboro, Md
    What is the shelf life of Sevin Concentrate?
    How many years can you keep Sevin Concentrate?
    Sevin concentrate, like all of our concentrates, can easily last up to 5 years on the shelf as long as you keep the lid on tight and keep the bottle out of direct sunlight.  It also helps to shake the bottle every few months if you have not used it in a while.
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  • Asked by C. from South Carolina
    How long do I wait until I let my dogs go outdoors after spraying Sevin?
    I plan to spray liquid 7 (hook to water hose type) for ticks in my yards and trees. How long do I wait after application for it to be safe to let my dogs back into the yard?
    Sevin Concentrate is safe for pets once the product has completely dried.
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  • Asked by Joe from Lynchburg,ohio
    is liquid seven safe to spray on apple trees. What is the mix ratio of liquid seven to water for apple trees?

    Yes, the Sevin Concentrate is safe to spray on apple trees. You would mix 3 oz. of Sevin Concentrate with a gallon of water and spray the upper and lower leaf surface and between fruit clusters and on small limbs and trunksto the point of runoff where pest appear. Repeat applications as needed fo up to 8 applications per year. To avoid undesired apple thinning delay use until at least 30 days after full bloom.

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  • Asked by Brooks from Idalou, Texas
    Should I reapply Sevin Concentrate after a rain?
    As long as the Sevin Concentrate application has had at least 24 hours to dry before a rainfall, the product will not wash off the treated area. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
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  • Asked by Judy from Reedsville, Wi 54230
    can sevin be used on rose bushes

    According to the label, yes it can be used on roses.

    Sevin Concentrate

    For Roses: Mix 1.5 fl. oz. of product per gallon of water and spray upper and lower leaf surfaces and small trunks, stems and twigs to the point of runoff where pests appear. Repeat applications as necessary up to a total of four times per year for trees and six times per year for ornamental shrubs and flowers, but not more often than once every seven days.

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  • Asked by Jeannie from Sparks, Nevada
    I have aphids on my roses, mums and hibiscus plants. Will Sevin concentrate help with aphids?
    will spraying Sevin work on them and what is the formula to get rid of the aphids. Also can I spray sevin on tomatoes and squash/cucumbers?
    Sevin can be used to control many species of aphids on roses, mums and other ornamental plants. Sevin is also labeled for use on tomato, squash and cucumber plants.
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  • Asked by Amy from Louisiana
    I diluted the Sevin concentrate in a sprayer. I made a gallon and didn't use it all, so I left it in there. When I went to use it again today, it had turned brown and smells funny. What happened, and is it still safe to use?
    We do not recommend applying the product if it has changed in color and smells different. All liquid concentrates should be mixed when you are ready to apply within 24 hours. The solutions left in the sprayer tank could damage your equipment and be less effective in treatment.
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  • Asked by Larry from Alvarado Tx
    will sevin concentrate kill bagworms
    Yes, Sevin Concentrate is labeled to treat Bagworms. Please follow the product label for application instructions.
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  • Asked by Jimmy from Cadiz Kentucky
    Instructions call for 1.5 ounces per gallon of water. How many table spoons per ounce.
    1.5 fl oz Sevin Concentrate = 3 Tablespoons.
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  • Asked by Oat from Bellevue, Iowa
    Will Sevin Concentrate hurt hibiscus?

    No, Sevin Concentrate will not harm hibiscus flowers.

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  • Asked by Aaron from Wedgefield, Fl
    Is it safe (for honey bees) to use Sevin in my area (Central Florida) on my Grapefruit and Lime Trees?
    According to the Sevin Concentrate product label "This product is highly toxic to honeybees and other bees. Do not apply to plants in bloom." Almost all insecticides are toxic to bees as they are non-selective. You can help limit any effect to bees by being careful not to apply the insecticides when bees are actively foraging in the area.
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  • Asked by Bill
    How often should I spray Sevin on my sweet corn?
    The product label for Sevin Concentrate does not list how often it should be applied only how the maximum numbers of applications per year that can be made on sweet corn.  Sevin can be applied 8 times per year up to 2 days before harvest.
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  • Asked by Teresa from Verona
    How often can you spray Knockout Roses with Sevin Concentrate?

    Sevin Concentrate can be applied up to 6 times per year, but no more often than every 7 days. 

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  • Asked by Martin from Columbus, Ohio
    Does liquid Sevin kill stink bugs?
    Yes, Sevin Concentrate is labeled to kill stink bugs. If you are spraying on vegetables and/or ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers, you will mix 1.5 fl. oz. with a gallon of water. If you are spraying on fruits, you will mix 3.0 fl. oz. of of solution with a gallon of water. You will need to spray the upper and lower leaf surfaces to the point of runoff where the pests appear. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.
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  • Asked by Annie
    What time of day can I spray Sevin Concentrate?

    You will usually want to spray Sevin Concentrate in the morning or evening when pollinators are not present and the treated plants are not under the extra stress of mid-day heat and sunlight. Be sure to follow the product label directions for the pest and plants you are treating.

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  • Asked by Mark from Middleville, Michigan
    How often should you spray Sevin on apple trees?
    The product label for Sevin Concentrate states the following:

    Repeat applications as necessary up to a total of eight times per year for fruit trees, but no more often than once every seven days.

    NOTE: To avoid undesired apple thinning, delay use until at least 30 days after full bloom
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  • Asked by Willie
    How soon can I harvest after using Sevin concentrate bug killer?
    The pre harvest interval days will depend on the vegetation being treated. Sevin concentrate has a PHI of 3-21 days depending on the plant. Please read pages 5-8 of the product label to find the correct PHI for the plants you are treating.
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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 528 questions)