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Nancy writes

Should I use Roundup Pro Max or Quick Pro?

I'm trying to decide on Pro Max or Quick Pro instead of the usual roundup concentrate. We have mostly wild grasses(weeds) in our yard & some star thistle has crept in. We have oak trees to avoid & in our landscaped areas, lots of plants. Are both of these dangerous if my husband over sprays? We are killing grasses & not so much woody plants.


We recommend that you contact your local master gardener at the local cooperative extension office in your area. Our expertise is structural pests and we are not yet knowledgeable enough about plants to give proper advice on which herbicides will damage which plants. We started carrying herbicides due to popular customer demand and we are doing our best to learn more about them before we can offer advice on them.

Answer last updated on: 11/17/2010

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Roundup Pro Max

Roundup Pro Max

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