Soaker Plus on challenging turf
By Dave on 08/15/2022
If I had known how well this was going to work I would have taken "before" photos. My lawn is a steep hill of mineral soil (hydrophobic silt). The only thing that will grow there is common bermuda (zone 6). It requires a lot of fertilizer, so there is rapid thatch development. I usually have to remove it and replant every 3 to 4 years. This year I used the soaker plus instead. It restored 90% of the lawn. I've been using Peter's fertilizer for mineral soil for years, so that was also part of the application.
Primary Surfactant
By Paul on 09/24/2023
This is the primary surfactant that I use. I use it with herbicides and fungicides that I use on my lawn. Some herbicides such as Quinclorac specifically requests MSO such as Drexel Methylated Seed oil. I have since purchased other non ionic surfactants similar to Soaker Plus but I will be using this product a lot going forward.