Customer Reviews for Soil Kit

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4.6 of 5 stars
(16 customer reviews)
Soil Kit

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  • 2 of 5 Stars

    Soil Test Kit

    By Jim on 10/09/2020

    Easy to use and the result came back quickly. However the recommendation wasn't entirely complete to the results and the product recommended can not be shipped to Massachusetts. I will take the results to someone else and see if they can help.

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  • 2 of 5 Stars


    By Wanda on 11/27/2020

    So many questions unanswered with the kit results. Basically it said my soil was in good condition and yet I am unable to grow grass and even weeds do not like the area. I have felt it needed something and tried the kit. Recommends using only fertilome and lime. All results in quality was VH and yet it is barren and has been for over 30 years. Small patio home yard. I could use a little more information and advice on this problem.

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