Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer For Lawns and Landscapes Concentrate Ready - to - Spray is safe when used as directed on the label. As long as you keep pets/children out of the area while you treat and until the product has had time to completely dry or settle it is safe for pets and people to return and resume normal activity typically after 4-6 hours.
Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer For Lawns and Landscapes could be used on grasses at that height for surface insects. If you need to treat for subsurfacepests, you would need to water it in well to ensure it gets down to the soil.
Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer For Lawns and Landscapes is not labeled for containerized plants. Bonide Systemic Insecticide Granules would be a great choice to protect your houseplants from whiteflies. You can view the product label here for application rates.
As long as the application of Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer For Lawns and Landscapes had enough time to completely. Tpypically, it is recommended to apply when rainfall is not expected for 24 hours. If you had 3 days, that is more than enough time.
Please be sure to review the product label for more information and complete application instructions.
Yes, Spectracide Triazicide Insect Killer For Lawns and Landscapes Concentrate Ready - to - Spray can be applied to lawns of all species if used as directed. It should not be applied to lawns within 100 ft of a coastal marsh or stream.