Customer Reviews for Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide

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4.9 of 5 stars
(477 customer reviews)
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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great job getting rid of yellow jackets

    By Mark on 06/27/2012

    Verified Purchase

    We've had our share of yellow jacket nests in or around the house since we have lived here (2006). I usually would buy the foaming spray that you can shoot from 15 feet away. However, this nest was in the retaining wall that runs along the driveway, and the foam would just build up on the wood outside the nest. I looked online, and bought the Tempo 1% dust, along with the bellow hand duster. I was able to insert the duster into the tiny entrance to the nest. I applied liberally, but acted quite the chicken and hastily retreated to the house. We noticed yellow jackets the next morning, but by the morning after that, there was no activity at all. My wife even stomped on the retaining wall to ensure that they were dead. She is much braver than I.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Only Solution For Yellow Jackets

    By G on 09/06/2016

    A neighbor had so many yellow jackets in her wall that 2 sections of T-11 had to be removed and replaced. She could hear them inside the walls from inside her house. The exterminators didn't get all of them so they fanned out and took up residence in a few homes next to hers. I had 4 openings that they were going in and out of. I tried 4 different brands of spray, all said "KILLS ON CONTACT" They would buzz around the opening in my roof line for an hour or so. Then, they acted like nothing happened. I would find maybe 3 or 4 of them dead on the ground. I first tried Delta Dust that was supposed to kill them. I rigged up an air line to a long plastic 1/2 inch PVC tube. The roof line was about 20 feet up and I don't mix ladders with wasps. I loaded the tube with about 6 inch deep charge and let them have it. Nice big white poof and plenty got inside. I waited a few days and they were all still full strength in and out. I did further research and found TEMPO, which looks like Delta. I order it and it arrived a few days later. I repeated the same procedure with the TEMPO and the next morning NOTHING was flying in or out of any of the holes. I also dusted 2 nests my neighbor had and wiped them out as well. She used a spray that is used by forestry guys and roofers that is supposed to be killer spray....that also did nothing.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works fast

    By Brian on 05/06/2010

    Verified Purchase

    We had bees building a nest under our siding. Went out one evening, dusted in the cracks, and we haven't seen a bee since. Last year, an exterminator charged us $140 to do what I just did for $40 (including duster), and I have plenty of dust leftover for any new hives. Excellent product!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great stuff!

    By Dave on 07/28/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I used this to get rid of a massive yellow jacket nest behind some masonry at my lake house. There were thousands of them. A few puffs of this after nightfall and no sign of bees in the morning.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Talk about saving money!

    By Mike on 10/06/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I have no idea how much I've spent over the years on bee and wasp killer, but it was a lot. And I mean 'was'. One puff of Tempo dust, (maybe a tablespoon) and they are gone. At this rate I have enough for another 25 years. Bought the B&G duster, marked the spot and went out after dark. Next morning no more yellow jacks plus a raccoon saved me the time and dug up the nest. All over night.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Good stuff

    By Ronnie on 07/19/2012

    Verified Purchase

    I used a combo of sprays, soap with rubbing alcohol food grade Diatomaceous Earth and tempo dust. Quarantined the room for 4 weeks. within 7-14 days saw only dead or dying bugs. 30 days later still no signs. i can sleep tight!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Tempo 1% Dust

    By Donna on 08/25/2012

    Verified Purchase

    We had a large colony of bee's under the eave of the roof. We used the Tempo Dust and with only one spray the bee's were dying off.The next day there were no signs of any bee's around. Thank you DoMyOwn PestControl If I have any problem's with Bee's or roden's again I will use your Web site.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Tempo Dust

    By I. on 06/23/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Wiped out the Carpenter bees from the logs of the cabin. Follow the directions ! The product does what it says.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Tempo Dust for yellow jackets

    By Jim on 09/17/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Worked extremely well. Tempo dust plus the applicator cost $50 compared to $280 for Orkin. One application killed 98%, the second application took care of the stragglers.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    works on european hornets

    By Mark on 10/09/2015

    This is the 3rd product that I've tried to get rid of european hornets nesting in my house and it's the only thing they didn't laugh at. Typical wasp and hornet sprays are useless. This stuff starts to effect them in about 20 mins and will take days for them to actually die (they will just lay around parilized). You will have to reapply the following day as there will still be activity, but I'd imagine I got over 50% the first day. Also works pretty good with yellow jackets, although reaction time is a little longer.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product!

    By Kurt on 10/27/2015

    This powder works great. I had a large yellow jacket nest that formed inside my wall through a weep hole at the brick. I waited until dark and applied the powder using the bulb duster. The next day I had several dead yellow jackets on the ground and only a few buzzing around. By day two there were no more yellow jackets. The product works great and I have plenty left over to maintain the home.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    bugs bugs bugs

    By Keke on 10/28/2015

    Love this product. It helps me so much with these nasty bugs in my house

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Dusting Bees

    By Doug on 05/09/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I have found this to be the best dust for carpenter bee holes and hornet's nests.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It works!

    By Gerald on 09/14/2010

    Verified Purchase

    This worked in one application/one day! There was not one bee to be found after we used this.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Tempo Works great

    By Chris on 09/28/2010

    Verified Purchase

    I had two underground yellow jacket nests in my back yard that I couldn't get with regular sprays. I put a few puffs in each and the next day there were noticeably fewer yellow jackets coming in and out. I put a few more puffs in each just to be on the safe side and the next day there was no activity at all. I then loaned it to my mother who had a hard-to-reach nest under her deck - she had similar success.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Jon on 08/08/2011

    Verified Purchase

    I had a yellow jacket nest inside the siding of my house near the entrance to my kitchen off the deck. I tried the sprays you get a home depot but none worked. I ALMOST paid a guy $300 to "spray" the nest entrance. Then I thought about it and realized all I needed was the right equipment/materials a little balls. The tempo dust absolutely eliminated the yellow jacket issue within a couple days of the first treatment. I gave it a second round 3 days later for good measure. I have not seen a single yellow jacket since.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Jack on 09/27/2013

    Verified Purchase

    We had a huge yellow jacket nest in an old window air conditioner that no longer worked. Last winter we put plastic over the air conditioner on the inside of the house cause of cold weather. This summer we got a large nest, we could see them inside through the plastic. We got this tempo 1% dust and I dusted them outside at the entry and it started to kill them within minutes. I saw about 7 or 8 queens so this was a large nest. I recommend this for anyone who has a yellow jacket nest, it does the job and cost way less than a professional, as they use the same stuff. Dust them at night when they are less active.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Highly Effective

    By Mark on 10/07/2013

    Verified Purchase

    We had a Yellow Jacket plague in the soffits in two areas of our roof. The wasps would come and go at the rate of twenty to twenty-five every thirty seconds. I waited until an hour after dark...this is key,they are much less active at night. I liberally dusted the Tempo into the small crannies where they were coming and going with a bulb applicator. The next morning there was still activity. By evening the activity had decreased and there were numerous dead wasps on the concrete below the area were I applied the Tempo. Fast forward three days and I had zero activity in the areas that had been problemed, nothing going in or out. It has now been over a month since I applied the product and wasp activity has ceased to exist. I would certainly recommend Tempo Dust as a highly effective wasp killer.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Awesome Product...

    By Mike on 11/26/2013

    We "Had" a Huge Yellow Jacket nest in wall. Wasp spray didn't affect them at all. I got the Tempo Dust & Duster. One evening I suited up. Went up on the roof and blasted the dust in the hole. A few found their way into the house. However, The next day there was maybe 5 flying around, wayyy down from the 500+ that was there. This stuff is Awesome. The only thing I'll use from now on...

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Awesome stuff

    By Daniel on 06/09/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I had a bees nest in the corner of my house that I had tried everything from local stores such as Walmart and Target that did not do anything. I got the tempo dust and after one spray with the duster I have not seen any more bees. I had the bees in the corner my house for about one month and I know the colony had to be pretty good size. It has now been almost one month and I still have not seen any bees were I applied the dust.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Amazing stuff. My friends want to know where I got it.

    By James on 07/26/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I used this stuff on a nest that was inside my roof, on the edge of my house. (old house, built differently than modern ones) I wasn't even able to hit the nest directly, but the dust puffs out like a bomb and goes everywhere. Must have been 40 or so red wasp fly out from it! They didn't even attack, they just fled away. The next day I say a bunch of them lying on the ground under the nest dying slowly. Did another treatment a few days later and now they are gone all the way. Now I have a hard time even finding any red wasps around my house anymore. PS. I put some in the crevices around my kitchen where the cabinets meet the wall, and the next day started seeing dead roaches laying around. So it works for those too.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Best product ever!

    By Chris on 09/20/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I must have sprayed 5 cans of various bee killers into a yellow jacket hive on my back porch. The result was the same every time. The bees came back the next day like nothing had happened. I used this stuff once and the entire nest was dead in 24hrs. worth every penny and then some!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It work's

    By Tom on 09/24/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Don't waste your time or money on Delta Dust. I used 1/3 of a bottle of this and it didn't make a dent in the yellow jackets in two locations. When I received the Tempo Dust I used it with a bellows duster with two applications and no more bees.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    yellow jackets in wall

    By Steve on 09/02/2015

    Had yellow jackets in the wall between brick and dry wall. Came in through outside light fixture. Could hear them through the wall. Couldnt reach with spray - used the tempo 1% dust one night - barely heard them after 24 hours and after 36 hours completly quiet. Next morning after use no yellow jackets hanging out around the entrance either. Also used on yellow jackets in a hole in the ground - less than 24 hours all gone - highly recommended. I used dust mask and gloves since the powder is really fine.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    My family's savior

    By Shawn on 10/07/2015

    We had yellow jackets going in and out of a wall void next to an exterior pipe. They eventually started finding their way inside of our home. With 2 small children I'm so glad we found this product. I was avoiding the exterminator because they were too pricey at the time. I tried everything that i could find in lowes and nothing worked. Weeks and weeks passed as we watched them manifest. After 1 application of tempo1% the colony was dead over night. I swear this stuff is magic. Now I can be off edge in our home. Thanks to "domyownpestcontrol".

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Kandice on 10/28/2015

    product works great does everything it said it was ... nomore bugs 😏😏😏😏😁

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Amitra on 11/04/2015

    Spreay twice and yellow jackets were gone!!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It worked!

    By Ea on 11/21/2015

    I recently bought a neglected pop-up camper at auction with a large beehive inside the power cable hookup compartment - not inside the camper although a few managed to come inside. I tried smoking them out with a smoker and it didn't work. I dusted the perimeter of the recessed outlet with Tempo 1% and next day there were still bees buzzing in and out. Applied it again and next day they were gone! I don't know where they went....only saw a few dead ones!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works as advertised!

    By Al on 09/09/2017

    Tried this after being held hostage by a yellowjacket nest under the kitchen doorsill. Used the hand bellows thingy to blow dust in on Thursday night and by Saturday morning no signs of life. Very satisfied with products. GREAT customer service too. When my order arrived it had the wrong insecticide. I called customer service, got through in a couple minutes, and the rep couldn't have been more helpful. She issued me an RMA for the incorrect product so I could ship it back prepaid, and sent the correct item 2nd day air. Hope to not need any more of these products, but I sure can recommend the company!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    It works!

    By Linda on 09/23/2017

    We had been fighting yellow jackets in our soffit for weeks. Used many cans of spray insecticide. Ordered the tempo dust and after one application puffed in the yellow jackets were gone.

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