Customer Reviews for Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide

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4.9 of 5 stars
(473 customer reviews)
Tempo 1% Dust Insecticide
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Displaying 1 to 21 (of 21 reviews)
  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Tempo dust

    By Anonymous on 06/03/2013

    Verified Purchase

    This product worked great for my carpenter bee problem. I have a regular service do the spraying a few time a year, but I got tired of waiting, so I got this product. When the exterminator arrived I said I did some spraying and he said they use this product. It killed at least 4 bees, that I saw. Don't know if there is anything to prevent them from returning, but this did a good job in eliminating them.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Worked on Bees with Repeat Application

    By Bruce on 08/26/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Tempo dust eventually worked on yellow jackets behind the siding on the house. It took about a week and a half with 4 - 5 applications of dust. I was not sure it was going to work when I sprayed the last time however it did and they are gone. Not sure if I just has so many that I needed repeat application or if it just took that long. Whichever, it did work and they are gone.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Great Product

    By Roy on 05/16/2013

    Verified Purchase

    Tempo 1% Dust is damn good product, although it doesn't provide a quick knock down it still works great.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Tempo 1% dust

    By Steve on 09/14/2015

    Its been about 3 weeks since I dusted the attic and crawlspace. The brown recluse traffic on my glue strips has slowed down considerably.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Tempo Dust

    By David on 11/01/2010

    Verified Purchase

    This product worked well ridding our home of German Yellow Jackets that had nested in a void in our foundation. One to two days after application of the dust, no further insects have appeared.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Works wonders

    By Sandra on 07/26/2019

    This product does work wonders with this constant hot summer I had way too many roaches coming out every where every thing I used didn't work there was more and more coming out I just couldn't keep up with the amount of roaches....after seeing this product and reading other people's reviews I decided to try it and I'm speechless I can't believe that in just almost a month they are gone.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    property owner

    By Joua on 05/22/2017

    This product is helpful to treat bed bugs. I recommend it, it is a good product to use.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Getting rid of yellow jacket nest

    By Moira on 09/20/2016

    I purchased this based on reviews and I had a nest deep in the eaves of my house. I had to use this product 3 separate times and the last was most effective. I would recommend this product to anyone who is dealing with these dangerous pests

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    So far so good

    By Doug on 08/26/2022

    Used puffer to apply. First night shot 3 puffs under air conditioner pad and left residue outside of it as well. Next day and for a week after.. no yellow jacket activity. 2nd week the yellow jackets returned so I reapplied Tempo again but tried to get a thicker stream. 4 puffs this time and then covered the opening with #57 limestone. 5 days later no yellowjackets yet. My guess is all underneath the pad are dead and now they have no entry or escape therefore most likely a success.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Works great

    By Jordan on 06/10/2022

    Works great and solved my issue, but lost a star because it is hard to fill the applicator. The nozzle clogs very easily and just seems to have extra tempo dust flying around.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Performed well with wasps, fast results.

    By Paul on 09/24/2021

    We had wasps in our cedar siding. Dusted once at night, by next morning almost all activity had ceased. Several queens crawled out a few days later and died on he ground, my understanding is they may have already been in their 'hibernation' phase. Did a second dusting several days later for any queens and/or emerging larvae/ young wasps. Happy with the performance of this product.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Stopped yellowjackets from entering our building

    By Eric on 08/31/2020

    Liberal dusting where yellowjackets were coming into the building caused them to stop and re-consider. There was not a nest that I could tell, they were simply coming in a corner of an overhead door and flying around inside. Once I dusted, they flew up to the (prior) entry hole and were not about to alight and climb inside. I did not find any dead ones outside the garage door, so I only gave 4 stars - it is an effective repellent while the powder is there... After a day or two, the entry attempts slowed down and I caulked the hole shut and that is keeping them outside.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    wood eating bees

    By Sylvia on 08/16/2019

    Oh boy this stuff worked on killing the babies inside the wood that was drilled by the mother bee.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Tempo Dust 1%

    By James on 08/31/2018

    Tempo Dust was used to eliminate several different flying insects in an attic space ... applied 3 applications in ~ 5 day intervals ... seems to have taken care of the problem

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Stuff works

    By R on 07/27/2017

    My mom's house is old and it has aluminum siding.Through the years I have used cases of wasp spray to deter red wasp but I couldn't reach the nest in the siding.They would be back in the same place every time I visited.Used this stuff to try something different with the larger squeeze could see a small dust cloud coming out 3 or 4 feet from the area that was being injected with the bulb and hear upset wasp in the siding.Visited there weeks later and they were gone.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    No more wasp!

    By Jason on 05/09/2017

    After two summers of trying to keep the wasp away from our house and fence we finally found something that works.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Tempo dust and a Dust Stick really knocks out Hornets!

    By Peter on 09/16/2015

    This is the 2nd bottle of Tempo Dust I have gotten for my Duststick in the last two years. This is the safest method for killing those White-face Hornets. Just a couple good blasts in the opening of the nest and in twenty minutes they are all gone. It's great in those holes that Carpenter Bees drill in your deck and soffits. I bought a Puffer which works best when you have to blast in a downward direction. The Duststick only works in an upward angle.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    effective against bees

    By Joe on 09/12/2015

    It took a couple applications at the entrance to the hive but it knocked out a nest of yellowjackets in my wall.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars


    By Charles on 09/30/2014

    Verified Purchase

    I am not sure if this dust kills wasps. It does however discourage them.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    killing wasps

    By Ronald on 10/03/2012

    Verified Purchase

    tempo 1% dust does a very good job in conjuction with wasp spray.

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  • 4 of 5 Stars

    Useful (I think)

    By Sue on 08/20/2012

    Verified Purchase

    Bought to try and control cicada bee invasion. Had about 40 holes in the yard. Dusted each hole with Tempo and within a day saw a drastic reduction in the bees. However this might have been due to the end of the their natural cycle or it might have been the dust. We really are not sure as the population in my neighbors yard died down as well around the same time and they did not dust. Hoping that the dust took care of the larvae/babies and the queens in the nest. Will know better how effective it was next summer I guess. At least next summer I will be prepared to start our counter attack at the first sign of the critters!

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Displaying 1 to 21 (of 21 reviews)