Tempo SC Ultra - 32 mL was developed after the 8oz and 900ml bottles. The label is designed and geared towards barns, horse stables and animal quarters. We cannot recommend it for indoor use because the label was approved by the EPA for use only outdoors.
Tempo SC Ultra 32 mL is designed and geared towards barns, horse stables and animal quarters. We cannot recommend it for indoor use for moths or mold mites (which are not on the label) because the label was approved by the EPA for use only outdoors.
Tempo SC Ultra is not labeled to kill bed bugs. Our bedbug kits come with all top of the line products that are available on the market today, along with instructions to follow. When applied properly, our kits have a very high success rate. We recommend reading our article on How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs for more information on a treatment program using the products and non-chemical efforts.
Tempo SC Ultra 32 mL is not labeled to be used on anything edible.. Instead we recommend using Bayer Advanced Vegetable and Garden Spray which contains the same active ingredient as Tempo but a different formulation which allows you to use it on edible vegetation.