Tempo SC Ultra like any other insecticide can be very lethal to fish. It would be advised to apply the product on a day that is not windy, and possibly even holding up a sheet of plastic on the other side of where you are spraying to protect overspray from going towards the pond. Also, apply on a day when it is not going to rain so the product has time to dry and bond to its surface so it does not run off. As far as your dog, this product is very safe to use around children and pets such as dogs or cats. Just make sure to allow the product to dry before letting the dog or children back into the yard or wherever you are spraying.
Tempo SC Ultra is not labeled to kill bed bugs. Our bedbug kits come with all top of the line products that are available on the market today, along with instructions to follow. When applied properly, our kits have a very high success rate. We recommend reading our article on How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs for more information on a treatment program using the products and non-chemical efforts.
All of our liquid insecticides would be considered effective for an indoor roach problem. However, most roach problems in a kitchen, which are usually German Roaches, are best eradicated using a liquid spray like Tempo SC Ultra down low near the ground around baseboards, under and behind appliances, where pipes go into the walls or below cabinets, etc; and a roach bait gel up high in the drawers and the cabinets where you normally would not spray. You do not want to spray around dishes, utensils, and food sources, so roach bait is best used in these areas. Plus, most roach baits will kill other roaches like a domino effect back in the walls where you cannot treat, where as liquid sprays will typically only kill the roach that actually walks over it.