Tenacity Herbicide should be used when the temperatures are consistently above freezing on a daily basis. Your target temperature range will depend on whether you are using Tenacity for pre-emergent or post-emergent applications. This is typically between 65-85 degrees. Please consult the product label for complete application instructions.
Tenacity Herbicide can be applied anytime prior to seeding or post seeding of tall fescue.
Yes, some folks do use food coloring to mark where Tenacity Herbicide has been applied. We do also carry Turf Mark Blue for this specific use.
Yes, Tenacity Herbicide is labeled for wild violets. The rate for 1000 square feet is 1 teaspoon.
Tenacity Herbicide. Bagging will also help with lawn health. |
Tenacity Herbicide can be applied any time the weeds and grasses you are treating are still actively growing with temperatures consistently above 55 degrees. Please let us know if we can be of any more assitance.
You did not mention which surfactant you are planning to use with the Tenacity. The one that is most commonly recommended is the Southern Ag Non-Ionic Surfactant for Herbicides, which requires 1-2 teaspoons per gallon of water.
Tenacity Herbicide does not last long as a pre-emergent, maybe about 30 days. It does state on the prodouct label also to use straight pre-emergent products like Prodiamine for long residaul control as a pre-emergent.
You can water the lawn after the the Tenacity Herbicide has dried. You can mow your established lawn 2 days after Tenacity Herbicide application.
Generally, if you are treating with Tenacity Herbicide and using a tolerant seed, the applications can be done at the same time. If not, we would recommend waiting three months after the application of Tenacity Herbicide to re-seed your lawn. If you have any specific questions, we would recommend giving us a call at 866-581-7378.
No, We would not recommend pulling up any weeds because the product will not get into the root system, and the weeds may come back at that point. After spraying with Tenacity Herbicide, the foliage of treated weeds cease growth after application, then turn white(loss of chlorophyll), and death may take up to three weeks. A repeat application is required after two to three weeks for improved postemergence weed control.
It would be best to wait to apply Tenacity Herbicide once the leaves have dried. Be sure to mix in a surfactant like NonIonic Surfactant.
Tenacity Herbicide is best applied before temps reach above 80 degrees but above 55 degrees.
There is no wait time after applying Tenacity Herbicide to re-seed unless you are re-seeding with fine fescue. For fine fescue, it is recommended that you wait at least 30 days after application to re-seed.