Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 581 to 600 (of 965 questions)
  • Asked by Matthew from Doylestown, Pa
    Is it a problem if our community association is putting mulch down the day after Termidor SC is sprayed around our house for ants?

    Termidor is designed to bind to the treated soil for longterm residual, so you would not have to worry about the application breaking down more quickly. The concern would be that your barrier is covered up with untreated organic material, thereby limiting insect control. We do suggest that mulch or similar groundcover be kept at least 12 inches from the foundation, so if this application is done accordingly, then your Termidor barrier would remain intact and effective.

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  • Asked by Mary from Hollywood, Ca
    My entire deck was sprayed with Termidor SC .06%. Is it safe for me and my dogs to be on it?

    Dogs should not be present during application of Termidor SC and while treated areas are wet. It should not be applied to the surface of the deck or other off label areas.

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  • Asked by David from El Reno, Ok
    Can I use Taurus SC or Termidor SC a day before it starts raining?

    Termidor SC or Taurus SC should be applied when you are not expecting 24 hrs of rainfall after completely drying.

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  • Asked by Joyce from Waynesboro
    Do I need to treat my crawl space if I am doing a trench application with Termidor SC?
    I have termites in a very small crawl space where a room was added on. How would I treat this area if I am not able to get in the space?

    We actually recommend, if possible, to apply Termidor in a trench inside the crawl space. You will use the same method as you do around the entire structure.  If you are not able to do so it might be best to contact a professional company for options.

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  • Asked by Effie from Krini
    Will Termidor lasts a decade if used indoors on a bathroom floor?

    Termidor SC lasts 10 years when applied as a trench application to the soil only.  Please be advised that this product is for outdoor use only. 

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  • Asked by Sean
    Does Termidor bond to mulch too?
    I understand that Termidor bonds to soil, but does it also bond to mulch?

    Termidor SC does not bond to mulch the same way it bonds to the soil.  When applied to the soil per label instructions, it will bond with the soil to remain effective for up to 10 years.  

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  • Asked by Dave from Powhatan, Va
    Can Termidor be used next to a pond or a lake?

    Termidor SC should not be applied within 15 feet of bodies of water per the product label.  Keep in mind that for most applications, Termidor should only be applied around the foundation of a home or other structure.  

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  • Asked by Eric from Harvest
    Does Termidor kill grubs?
    Also is it safe to spray on flowers, trees and shrubs.

    Termidor SC is not labeled for grubs and can only be applied within 1 foot of a structure.  Please take a moment to review our Grub Control Guide for more information.  

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  • Asked by Dorean from Temple
    We have millipedes bad! What methods would you use with Termidor SC to get rid of them?
    They are getting into my basement, and my building, they're all over my driveway, and all over my Foundation! It's driving us crazy!

    Termidor SC can only be applied outside around the foundation 1 to 2 feet up and out for general pest control but you would not treat on porous surfaces such as a driveway.. We do have a guide here that can help for getting rid of millipedes.  For areas further out in the yard and around the perimeter edges of the driveway you can use something like Talstar P.

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  • Asked by Robert from Falls Church, Va
    Is there any advantage in using FUSE rather than Termidor for ant control?
    Since both contain Fipronil, does the added ingredient, Imidaclopid, in FUSE provide any additional benefit for eliminating carpenter and other species of ants?

    Fuse Termiticide and Termidor SC are both very good products. They both contain non-repellents so that the pests do not know they are coming in contact with it. Fuse does have two active ingredients, one of them being fipronil, which is in Termidor SC. The other is imidacloprid. Both act in the insects nervous systems, but in different locations. Imidacloprid targets post-synaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in insects, causing over-stimulation of the insects nervous systems. Fipronil acts as a post-synaptic gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) inhibitor, also resulting in over-stimulation of the insects' nervous systems. According to the manufacturer, this product could last up to 8 years in the soil. Termidor SC lasts approximately 10 years in the soil. You will treat the same way with both products as well.  FUSE is more labeled for wood infesting ants, such as carpenter ants whereas Termidor is labeled for a wider range of ants, acrobat, Argentine, big-headed, carpenter, crazy, odorous, pavement, pharaoh, thief.

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  • Asked by Steve from Savannah Ga
    What to use outside for ants
    We have these small ant like bugs in the bathroom. They are about the size of a PEN DOT. We have looked for intrusion but could not find anything. They are coming from outside. So we need a chemical that's powerful and waterproof. We live in Savannah


    Termidor SC is the # 1 choice for ant control around the outside of your home. Termidor SC is a non-repellent insecticide that also has a transfer effect. That means that ants cannot tell that the Termidor SC is there and will walk right over it and then pick the product up on their bodies and inadvertantly carry it back to the colony, then through normal social interaction the ants spread the Termidor SC and wipe out the colony. Termidor SC only needs to be applied two times per year and is effective for a wide variety of insects including ants, centipedes, roaches, spiders, silverfish, wasps and many other nuisance insects.

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  • Asked by Eric from Harvest
    Will Termidor kill grub worms?

    Termidor SC is not labeled for grubs and can only be applied within 1 foot of a structure.  You can find our selection of grub control products here.  

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  • Asked by Raul from Miami, Fl
    Can I use Termidior SC on the drywood termites in the wood on my outdoor terrace?

     For Termidor SC to work on Drywood termites, you have to drill directly into the piece of wood the termites are in and inject Termidor into the wood.  Termidor does not penetrate into wood, so you have to inject it into the center.  It has to touch the termites to work, but the benefit is that it only has to contact a few termites, and then they can pass it on to the rest of the colony. 

    For Drywood termite treatments on wood, we recommend applying a product called Bora-Care. This product is applied to raw wood and penetrates further than any other product.

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  • Asked by Randy from Baton Rouge
    How many lineal feet can be treated from a full jug of Termidor when it is applied at .06% solution @ 4 gallons per 10 linear feet?

    Termidor SC is diluted at 0.8 fl oz per gallon of water at the 0.06% rate and dispersed at 4 gallons of solution per 10 lineal feet. Each 20 oz bottle will treat 60 lineal feet/25 gallons of solution. The larger size, 78 oz of Taurus SC, at .06% solution will make 100 gallons and treat 240 lineal feet.

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  • Asked by Tony from St. Louis Mo
    Can I spray Termidor SC on exposed wall studs inside a detached garage that is rarely used?
    We are trenching outside and wanted to spray the inside studs. Is this dangerous?

    Termidor SC is only labeled for use on inside wall voids.  So that would not be the best product for your needs in this case.  I would recommend Bora Care for those exposed wall studs.

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  • Asked by Matthew from New Port Richey, Fl
    Can Termidor be used around horses?

    Termidor SC is not labeled for use anywhere near grazing animals and would not be recommended. 

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  • Asked by Frank from Pennsauken Nj
    How do I apply Termidor around a french drain?

    Per the Termidor SC label: French drains eliminate water at the footing along a foundation perimeter. They are common in hollow block foundation structures to drain water seeping from the exterior perimeter or underneath the foundation. Soil must be dry before applying to sites with French drains. DO NOT rod through the slab any closer than 24 inches to the French drain to prevent Termidor SC finished dilution seepage and/or damage to the drain or the tiles. DO NOT apply Termidor SC within 5 feet of the sump pump pit and pump. To prevent drainage/seepage from the block into the drain, DO NOT drill through hollow block foundations that border the French drain.

    Once French drains have been identified and located, apply a 0.06%, 0.09%, or 0.125% Termidor SC finished dilution as follows:

    1. Unplug the sump pump. Inspect sump pump pit for water. If no water is present, the treatment can be made provided the sump pump remains unplugged, or

    2. if water is in the sump pump pit, unplug the sump pump and remove four cups of water from the sump pump pit. Mark the water level. Wait 10 minutes and check the water level in the sump pump pit again. If the water level has risen, there is too much seepage to perform the treatment at this time. If the water level does not rise, make the treatment provided the sump pump remains unplugged.

    During application, check the sump pump pit every few minutes for the presence of Termidor SC finished dilution. If detected, stop treatment immediately and remove the contents of the sump pump pit before plugging in the sump pump again. Either apply the removed sump pump pit contents to a labeled site or dispose of the removed contents as directed by this label in the Pesticide Disposal section.

    Note: For structures with French drains located adjacent to the outside of the foundation, refer to the Structures with Adjacent Wells/Cisterns and/or Other Water Bodies section of this label.

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  • Asked by Bill from Atlanta, Ga
    How much Termidor is needed to treat around crawl space piers? At what rate or amount per pier?

    Everywhere you dig you will follow the method of digging a 6x6 trench and use 4 gallons of Termidor SC solution for every 10 linear feet of trenching. 

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  • Asked by Kenneth from Aptos, Ca
    Can you put Termidor SC in water based latex paint and then apply the paint to wood to deter termites?

    Termidor SC cannot be mixed with paint to deter termites.  It would be best applied in trench around the home for termite prevention.  We have a step by step guide that will walk you through how to do your own termite trenching treatment. You can see the guide by clicking on the link here.  For treating wood before you paint you would use something like Timbor or Boracare which penetrate into the wood and last for the life of the wood.  Once the surface is dry after application you can then paint.

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  • Asked by John from Owasso, Ok
    When applying Termidor SC, how far away from the outside wall do I need to drill the holes?

    When drilling holes for application of Termidor, you will need to come out 2-3 inches from the foundation and drill holes every 12" into the concrete along the foundation wall.

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Displaying 581 to 600 (of 965 questions)