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Christina from Ma writes

Terro Ant Bait Stations are not working? Please advise.

Ive had terro ant baits/traps out for a month. Ants are eating it but they just keep coming and coming and its been one month. Every day traps are full of live ants while im picking up dead ants all around the area. I have ordered the Delta Dust Insecticide and it will be delivered tomorrow. Should i remove all the baits before i spray the dust in the cracks??? Help!


We would like to discuss your situation with you and need some more information on the type of ants you are treating for and to know which Terro Ant Bait Stations you are using. Please contact one of our representatives for further assistance at 1-866-581-7378 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST.

Answer last updated on: 01/12/2015

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