The Anderson Turf Fertilizer 0-0-7 with .426?rricade can be applied in early spring or fall for a light fertilizing application along with weed prevention from the barricade it contains. There would not be a benefit to applying a pre emergent in the middle of summer since this is not when weeds germinate for the product to be effective. In the spring you would want to have it down at least a week or two prior to soil temps reaching 55 degrees consistently for a week, and in the fall around September when temperatures start dropping slowly leading into fall.
The Andersons Turf Fertilizer 0-0-7 with .426 Barricade needs to be watered in by at least 0.5 inches of rain or irrigation after you put down the application. So you could let the rain water it in, or you can do this yourself with a sprinkler.
Once The Anderson's Turf Fertilizer 0-0-7 with .426 Barricade is applied and the area is completely dry, it is pet safe. Typically after 4-6 hours.