Gary from Hockley, Tx writes
I submitted another question earlier, so this is a 2nd question. I have pine bark beetles from time to time. I have been spraying the trunk of the tree with Permethrin 36.5% as high as my sprayer goes - maybe 12-15 ft saturating the tree. Is this effective. (I just ordered another 32 oz bottle along with my Demand Cs order) Is this the best I can do?
The best product for pine bark beetles is the Permethrin spray you have been using. The biggest key with this insect is timing to ensure the infestation doesn't get out of hand. Once the tree is infested there isnt much you can do other than chop down the tree and burn it to try and prevent the current live ones from getting into any neighboring trees.
Answer last updated on: 06/10/2013