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Cory writes

The dust is not coming out of the tip on my Dustick Duster (with 21-foot reach), what are we doing wrong?

My company uses this duster for bee treatments so it is important we figure out how to get it to work.


You could be using too much dust in the cannister or the extension tip could possible be clogged. We recommend cleaning the extension tip of any buildup or dust residue and also, only fill the cannister about ½ way dust. Overfilling the cannister will not allow the air to blow the dust through the tip.   The Dustick Duster (with 21-foot reach) is operated by the handle at one end of the pole being used to pump air all the way through the extension to the dusting canister and tip on the other end, causing dust to be expelled.  

Click HERE for a video on How to Use the Dustick Duster. 

Answer last updated on: 09/02/2021

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