Product Q&A

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Rhonda from Hoquiam writes

The Happy Jack Sarcoptic Mange Medicine is not absorbing into my dogs skin in the heavily coated areas where the mange is. It's leaving her coat slimy and oily. She can't be left like this as it will get on everything and in her eyes. Your instructions are not good. Please advise as I've used the whole bottle in 2 applications.



   If you are over applying the Happy Jack Sarcoptic Mange Medicine to infected areas, the medicine is not going to be able to absorb properly into the skin. It is better to start with a minimum amount of product on the infected areas and then build up as needed.  Make sure you are shaking the bottle before each use and wearing rubber gloves, work the medicine well into the skin with a slow, firm finger massage motion. If more is needed to thoroughly cover the infected area, add little amounts at a time and work into the skin until fully covered.  The product label states: For sarcoptic mange, apply once daily for several days. For slow responding areas or severely infected spots, apply twice daily until healed. Also, the we as well as the manufacturer recommends contacting your Veternarian directly if the problem persists. 


Answer last updated on: 08/31/2021

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