Tim-bor Professional - Questions & Answers

Displaying 41 to 60 (of 147 questions)
  • Asked by Becky from Lex, Nc
    Will spraying bleach on top of Timbor on floor joists for mold negate Timbor's effect on mold?
    Spraying where mold returned or was missed

    Timbor does not treat or prevent for mold control. Spraying bleach on top of your application will likely pull or break down some of the particles which likely needs to be done so that you can put a true mold control product like Boracare with Mold Care on your wood to treat it. Also keep in mind, even with the use of proper mold control products to treat wood, if you have mold coming back that is because you have not fixed your moisture problem that is causing it to occur in the first place. You likely want to look at getting a dehumidifier for under your home and in your crawl space or put down a vapor barrier in those areas to cut down on excess moisture accumulating. 

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  • Asked by Thomas from Ruskin, Fl
    Can Timbor be mixed with ethylene glycol to help it penetrate into the wood? This would be less expensive than using Boracare.

    Timbor will only penetrate 1/4 inch into the wood since it is a powder.  It should only be mixed with water as directed on the product label.  If you do mix it with other products, it will clump and not work the way you would like it to.  If you need better penetration, Boracare is the only way to do so.

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  • Asked by D from Poulsbo, Wa
    Can mixed Timbor solution be stored for short periods?

    Once mixed, Timbor should be used within 24 hours.

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  • Asked by Peter from Alpharetta, Georgia
    Can I mix a small amount of Timbor for injecting into holes with an injector needle?
    I would like to mix a small amount for hole injection. I have a log home and have been trying to treat the holes, but I would like to mix small amounts for injection with a small injection type needle.

    Timbor should only be mixed and applied according to the product label. Because of the formulation, the Timbor solution would most likely clog any type of small applicator you would try to use. Jecta is a ready-to-use borate wood treatment that can be applied to specific areas.

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  • Asked by Jeri from Riverside, Ca 92506
    Timbor was recommended to us to treat wood that is exposed to rain and has rotted.
    We were told it is a water repellent that causes water to crystalize. We plan to trim the wood beam back, and prime and paint also. If Timbor does not do this, is there a Boron mineral solution that would? what is your recommendation
    Timbor should only be used on raw wood that ideally is new. Timbor is not water repellant and it will not take care of any rot or mold on the wood. Timbor will only penetrate 1/4 of an inch into the wood and will leave a visible white residue on the surface. Boracare or Boracare with Mold Care would be your best options. As with Timbor, the Boracare will need to be applied to raw natural wood but it can be old or new. The Boracare will penetrate all the way into the wood and will not leave a visible residue on the surface. If the wood is going to continue to be exposed to the outdoor elements, you will need to seal it with a stain or finish of some sort to protect it. If you do this, the Boracare will last for the life of the wood. Boracare will treat and prevent (depending on the rate you use to dilute it) for wood destroying insects such as powderpost beetles, termites, and carpenter ants, as well as wood destroying fungus/rot. The Boracare with Mold Care will cover all of these same preventative measures and it also kills and prevents mold. Please take a look at the Boracare product label for exact instructions for use. You can also reference our article on How To Treat For Dry/Wood Rot.
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  • Asked by Ken from Los Angeles, Ca
    Can you use Timbor with anti-freeze to make your own Bora-Care?
    Can you mix car anti-freeze with the powdered Timbor...and paint it on...seems like a cheaper solution to Borocare..which u have to mix 50-50 with water...

    Timbor is not labeled to be used in this manner, and we can make no recommendations on this usage. Should you have any further questions feel free to contact the product manufacturer, Nisus, directly at 800-264-0870.

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  • Asked by Cheryl from Garden Grove
    After the application of Timbor on the interior of building, does it need to be painted?

    It is recommended that you use a sealant or paint on the wood treated with Timbor. This will seal the product into the wood so that it will last for the life of the wood. It is not necessary to paint or use a sealant though. 

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  • Asked by Steve from Castro Valley, Ca
    Is Timbor harmful to wildlife?
    I seen in an earlier answer a professional staff member stated that "Timbor is not harmful to pets or wildlife" when it clearly states on the bucket/label that "This pesticide is toxic to fish and wildlife" Why is there conflicting answers?

    Timbor is safe around wildlife and/or pets when it is used as directed. While you are doing a treatment, it is recommended that pets/wildlife out of the area until the product has dried completely. It should also not be used directly in sitting water. Timbor is used around structural wood so it should not come in contact with wildlife or pets.

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  • Asked by Charlotte from Proctor, Wv
    Will Tim-bor stain or discolor vinyl windows or hand rails?
    Should they be taped off and covered?

    Timbor may leave behind a white residue.  If you think it may come into contact with the windows or hand rails while you are applying it, it would be best to cover them just to be safe. 

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  • Asked by Jessica from St. Louis, Mo
    Should all parts of a new construction home be treated with Timbor? (Sheathing, trusses, studs, etc.)
    What percent solution is recommended for a new construction?
    We would recommend treating all wood components of a new construction. The better the coverage, the better the results. To create a 10% solution mix one pound of Timbor to one gallon of water. This solution must be applied twice to a bare wood surface. To create a 15% solution, mix 1.5 pounds of Timbor to one gallon of water. This solution can be applied only once to the wood surface.
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  • Asked by Kevin from Toronto
    I have some old stain on the wood I'd like to protect. Why can I not use Timbor right over the old stain?
    Timbor is a wood preservative that need to able to penetrate and be absorbed into the wood. If there is a stain, pain, or any type of sealant then the Timbor will not be able to penetrate thus making it ineffective. Any finish that has been applied to wood should be sanded off so that you can apply the Timbor for it to be effective. However, if you are wishing to restain the wood then BoraCare would be a better product because BoraCare dries completely clear whereas Timbor leaves a powdery white film.
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  • Asked by Gina
    I was taught to use Timbor for roach and German roach control, any guarantee that it works for these pests?

    No. Timbor is not labeled for roach control and would not be the best choice for this type of application. If you have a current infestation of roaches we recommend the products that come in our Roach Control Kit. The products in the Roach Control Kit are perfect for most roach control problems in most indoor settings. This professional kit includes Cyzmic CS Insecticide for spraying the outside perimeter of the home and inside underneath appliances, behind cabinets, under toilets and sinks, etc.  Advion Roach Bait Gel--one of the best roach baits on the market. Advion can be applied up high in the kitchen in the corner of cabinets and in cracks and crevices in kitchens and bathrooms. The bait contains a slow-acting poison that attracts and kills feeding roaches, who also spread the bait to other roaches by contact or by sharing food. Finally,  Gentrol Point Source stations provide an IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) that will stop roaches from laying eggs, helping to halt the infestation. The combination of an IGR with roach bait is a highly effective roach control strategy that is widely used by pest control professionals.

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  • Asked by Lorelei from Clearwater, Fl
    Is it safe to just dust off the residue from a Timbor treatment?
    I brushed a solution of Timbor and water on an unfinished oak table. It left a fine dusty sheen, almost like old varnish not completely removed. I will then stain.

    Timbor will only penetrate 1/4 of an inch into the wood and will leave a visible white residue on the surface. You may simply dust it off before applying the stain. If you are wanting a product that does not leave a white residue and absorbs completely through the wood, we recommend BoraCare. BoraCare will penetrate all the way into the wood and will not leave a visible residue on the surface.

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  • Asked by Jen from Houston, Tx
    Could a dye be a potential problem for a Tim-bor solution since the product specs have no mention of adding dye?
    We are building & the company builder recommended to treat all of the interior wood is adding a blue dye to the Timbor solution. Company's reason is to insure that all the wood has been sprayed so the dye helps to visibly see the areas that's been treated.

    It is fine and very common to add a spray indicator dye to Tim-bor or similar wood treatment products before spraying. This helps to keep track of what wood has been treated, and it does not interefere with the efficacy of the Tim-bor. Keep in mind that the spray indicator will not fade on the wood: it will be visible permanently.

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  • Asked by Rodney from Seaside, Or
    Can I use same applicator for Timbor and Termidor SC if I clean it well between uses?

    You could potentially use the same sprayer to apply Timbor and Termidor SC if it were cleaned and allowed to dry completely between product uses. It is best to use a dedicated sprayer to apply non-repellent insecticides such as Termidor SC to avoid contaminating the insecticide. You could also use a tank cleaner such as Neutralize Spray Tank Cleaner and Neutralizer to reduce the risk of contaminating products.

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  • Asked by Peter from Calgary Alberta
    do you ship to Canada - where can I get in Calgary Canada?
    Unfortunately we do not ship to Canada at this time.  Many of our Canadian customers will have a product shipped to someone in the United States that they happen to know like a friend or family member, and they they forward it onto Canada. We do offer FREE shipping within the US. We are not sure where you can get these products in Canada
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  • Asked by Br from Birmingham, Al
    Is Tim-bor safe for pregnant women to breathe after being sprayed on wood beams under house?

    We recommend that anyone other than the applicator stay out of an area treated with Tim-Bor until the application is completely dry. Though Tim-Bor should not have an odor when being applied, if there is any odor then the area should be ventilated before re-entry. You can view further safety information on the SDS here.

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  • Asked by J from Redwood City Ca
    Is timbor effective at killing silverfish? Also,is it ok to paint over plywood after treatment with timbor?
    I asked about silverfish because after spraying the cracks of my garage framing,I noticed the silverfish running out of the cracks.
    Timbor is not actually labeled for silverfish though it may actually eliminate silverfish that come into contact with treated areas. Any primer or paint can be applied to Timbor treated wood as long as the Timbor application is completely dry to the touch.
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  • Asked by William from Bellevue
    How much Timbor do I mix in a 50 gallon tank to get 15% solution?

    The rate of Timbor in a 50 gallon tank is 75 lbs to achieve a 15% solution.

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  • Asked by Jerome
    Can Timbor be used to treat canvas against mildew?

    Timbor is only designed to be applied to wood and does not treat mildew/mold.  We would not recommend applying it to canvas.

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Displaying 41 to 60 (of 147 questions)