Any primer or paint can safely be applied to Timbor treated wood as long as Timbor is completely dry after treatment and dry to the touch. There should be no issues once it is completely dried.
Timbor should be used or discarded within 24 hours after being mixed with water.
Tim-bor Professional is odorless so would not have a smell.
Timbor is actually odorless so you don't necessarily have to wear a protective mask but if you desire to do so anyway, we would recommend using an N95 Valved Respiratory Mask.
Timbor is a wettable powder and as such is not labeled to be fogged. Timbor will clog all foggers because it never truly goes into a solution but instead just goes into a suspension. Please take a few minutes to read the Timbor product label so you can see all of the ways it is labeled to be applied. Please provide additional information on the targeted insect so that we can assist you further. We are always happy to help!
Timbor should only be used on raw wood that ideally is new. Timbor is not water repellant and it will not take care of any rot or mold on the wood. Timbor will only penetrate 1/4 of an inch into the wood and will leave a visible white residue on the surface. Boracare or Boracare with Mold Care would be your best options. As with Timbor, the Boracare will need to be applied to raw natural wood but it can be old or new. The Boracare will penetrate all the way into the wood and will not leave a visible residue on the surface. If the wood is going to continue to be exposed to the outdoor elements, you will need to seal it with a stain or finish of some sort to protect it. If you do this, the Boracare will last for the life of the wood. Boracare will treat and prevent (depending on the rate you use to dilute it) for wood destroying insects such as powderpost beetles, termites, and carpenter ants, as well as wood destroying fungus/rot. The Boracare with Mold Care will cover all of these same preventative measures and it also kills and prevents mold. Please take a look at the Boracare product label for exact instructions for use. You can also reference our article on How To Treat For Dry/Wood Rot.
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Once mixed, Timbor should be used within 24 hours.
Yes, you can apply a solution of either Boracare or Timbor using a sprayer, brush, or roller. Keep in mind that Timbor will not dry completely smooth and clear, so if you are treating wood that is decorative or that will be finished with a stain or paint, then we recommend using Boracare for those applications.
Timbor does not treat or prevent for mold control. Spraying bleach on top of your application will likely pull or break down some of the particles which likely needs to be done so that you can put a true mold control product like Boracare with Mold Care on your wood to treat it. Also keep in mind, even with the use of proper mold control products to treat wood, if you have mold coming back that is because you have not fixed your moisture problem that is causing it to occur in the first place. You likely want to look at getting a dehumidifier for under your home and in your crawl space or put down a vapor barrier in those areas to cut down on excess moisture accumulating.
Timbor will only penetrate 1/4 inch into the wood since it is a powder. It should only be mixed with water as directed on the product label. If you do mix it with other products, it will clump and not work the way you would like it to. If you need better penetration, Boracare is the only way to do so.
Timbor should only be mixed and applied according to the product label. Because of the formulation, the Timbor solution would most likely clog any type of small applicator you would try to use. Jecta is a ready-to-use borate wood treatment that can be applied to specific areas.
Yes, it is recommended that you use a finish and/or sealant after using Timbor. It will potentially dry with a texture so you may have to sand it first.