Tim-bor Professional - Questions & Answers

Displaying 101 to 120 (of 127 questions)
  • Asked by Dw from Lemon Grove, Ca
    Can I add a "spreader-sticker" to the TimBor solution?
    I want to add a spreader sticker to the Timbor pre paint. Will it impede the adhesion of the paint to the lumber?

    Per the label instructions, Timbor should only be used with a surfactant when performing a foam application, not when spraying or painting on the surface of raw wood.

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  • Asked by Barry from Aberdeen
    Is Timbor safe to use inside of a house with a heat pump closed air system?

    Tim-bor Professional is safe to use inside as directed on the product label.  You would not apply into vents.

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  • Asked by Anahit
    We have Timbor. Can we use it to treat plants for fungus and insects?

    Timbor can only be applied to raw wood.  It would likely kill any vegetation it was applied to.  If you are looking for something to apply to plants for fungus and insect control, you can use something like Bayer Advanced 3-in-1 Insect, Disease, and Mite Control.

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  • Asked by Dan from Yuma, Az
    Is Tim-bor Professional effective on brick or cement?

    Tim-bor Professional should be applied only to raw wood as directed.

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  • Asked by Sue from Wi
    Ho much Timbor is added to a pint of water?

    Tim-bor Professional should be mixed at a rate of at least 1.5 pounds to one gallon of water. 

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  • Asked by Krysia from Jupiter, Florida
    How many bags of Tim-Bor Professional do I need if I am treating wall voids for carpenter ants in a 1400 square foot home?

    How much Timbor is used will depend on your application and the area of the spaces you are treating. Per the product label, you can inject or dust Timbor at a rate of 0.5 oz per square foot when treating wall voids for insects such as carpenter ants. If you are mixing Timbor in water and creating a foam with a foaming solution and foamer, then you would use 1.5 oz of Timbor per gallon of water and use a high expansion foam. Keep in mind that drilling into and injecting a product like Timbor into all your wall voids is a tedious and labor-intensive application that is often best left to professionals. We have a great Carpenter Ant Treatment Guide here that may better assist you.

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  • Asked by Elizabeth from Poplar Grove
    Should I treat the area with Tim-Bor before and after infested posts are replaced?
    What about the beam they are holding up? What can I use on old trees that seem to have the same beetles?

    Timbor can be used on raw structural wood to prevent infestation of wood-boring beetles, however we do not recommend it for existing infestations. If you need to treat wood that is already infested or in the same area as infested wood, then we recommend using Boracare instead since it is absorbed fully into the wood. Neither of these products should be used on living plants because they will kill the plants.

    If you are removing structural wood that is infested with wood-boring beetles, then we recommend burning or chipping that wood and treating any new wood that is replacing it.

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  • Asked by Ron from Wills Point Tx
    Is Tim-bor Professional beneficial in killing live bores in a tree?

    Tim-bor Professional is an insecticide, fungicide and wood preservative for the protection and treatment of lumber against fungal decay and wood-destroying insects. However, is not to be applied to any live trees. Depending on the type of borer being treated, you can look at using a product like Dominion 2L. When using Dominion 2L Termiticide for borers, it is labeled to be applied as a soil injection which includes grid systems, circle systems, basal systems, and soil drench applications.

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  • Asked by Sean from Ledyard
    Is Tim-bor Professional a non repellant insecticide?
    Can it be used in conjunction with an ant bait such as Advance Carpenter Ant Bait

    Timbor contains a non-corrusive borate mineral salt that will not break down over time and kills termites and other listed pests.

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  • Asked by Aaron from Morro Bay
    Can I apply primer over an area after staying it with Tim-bor?

    Any primer or paint can safely be applied to Tim-bor treated wood as long as Timbor is completely dry after the treatment and dry to the touch. Keep in mind that Timbor can leave a visible residue after it dries. If you need a clear and smooth result on the wood, then we recommend applying Boracare instead.

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  • Asked by Abby from Texas
    Should BoraCare or Timbor be used to treat a new porch made of pressure treated wood for Powderpost Beetles in one of the beams? The beams are not stained or varnished and about 2 years old.

    If the new wood for your porch was pressure treated/pre treated wood, then you would not need to apply either product. Powder Post Beetles will emerge whenever it is time for them to progress from the egg stage in the wood, to larvae and then a beetle. The eggs can lay dormant in the wood for up to 30 years and there isn't a way to know how many there are or where they are in the wood. Even if you treated the porch with Boracare (the more appropriate product for your needs), you would still see some of the beetles emerge whenever that life cycle happens. The Boracare helps make sure that any that emerge die as they ingest the treated wood, and no new beetles are able to infest the wood going forward. Boracare would be the more appropriate product than Timbor, since Timbor can only penetrate 1/4 inch into the wood and will leave a white powdery substance on the surface of the wood, and Boracare will penetrate all the way through the wood and dry clear. 

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  • Asked by Jon from Bay Area, Ca
    Can I spray Bora-care after my crawlspace has been treated with Tim-bor?
    I'm having some for joists removed and replaced due to termite and dry rot damage. The company will spray with Tim-bor after they've completed the repairs. After they have sprayed the Tim-bor, can I go back and spray the same area with Bora-care?

    While you could technically apply Boracare on the same wood after Timbor is applied, we recommend skipping the Timbor application if Boracare is going to be applied soon after. Applying Timbor before applying Boracare would not provide any additional benefit. Similarly, if there is not any existing insect infestation in the wood, then a Timbor application will prevent the same issues as Boracare.

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  • Asked by Bruce from Or
    Can Tim-bor Professional be mixed with bleach?

    Tim-bor Professional should not be mixed with bleach or other products. It should be diluted with water as directed only.

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  • Asked by Mark from Bartow
    Will adding vinegar to Tim-bor Professional help kill fungi?

    For the best effect, please use Tim-bor Professional according to the label. Vinegar has not been tested and we do not know how it will react.

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  • Asked by Mike from Pa
    It seems to me a heavy nap roller would be best to apply Tim-bor Professional but there is no mention of this, why?

    You can apply a solution of either or Timbor using a sprayer, brush, or roller. Keep in mind that Timbor will not dry completely smooth and clear, so if you are treating wood that is decorative or that will be finished with a stain or paint, then we recommend using Boracare for those applications.

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  • Asked by Lynn from New Bern, Nc
    Can I use Flood oil stain on logs after Tim-bor Professional application has dried?
    We have a new log cabin. If I apply Tim-bor as directed and wait for it to dry, can I apply Flood oil based stain over the Tim-bor? Thank you

    Normally we would recommend using Boracare instead of Timbor on wood that is planning to be stained, since Timbor leaves a white powdery residue on the surface of the wood that often needs to be cleaned off or removed prior to applying the stain. When mixed thoroughly before spraying, Boracare would dry clear and not change the appearance of the wood. That being said, yes you can apply any type of stain, paint, or finish to wood after your initial application of Timbor or Boracare has been able to try completely on the wood surface. This could be a few hours to a few days depending on how heavy the product was applied and how quickly the wood absorbs the product. 

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  • Asked by Starla from Crossville Tn
    I have a bucket of TimBor. We have millipedes. Can I use this to spray under the house, around the foundation?

    While Timbor Professional can be used to spray under the home on raw wood for wood destroying pest prevention such as termites and beetles, it is not labeled to control any other pests than those designed to consume the wood the product is applied to. You would be better off using a more appropriate product for your needs such as Cyzmic CS to spray around the outside and under your home for millipedes and other pests. 

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  • Asked by Mike from Social Circle
    What precautions would be required to use Timbor or Bora Care on wood for furniture building?
    I use a sawmill to cut walnut and oak for furniture building. I have an active powder post beetle problem. I believe the Asian Ambrosia Beetle is the culprit. I would like to use Bora Care on the known active lumber and Timbor as a preventative on newly sawn wood. My concern is safety during milling and working with the wood later on. What precautions would be required to use wood treated with either or both of these products for typical furniture building. Unlike many uses of lumber where handling of the wood is minimal, wood used in building furniture gets a lot of hands on contact. Thanks, Mike Waters

    The Boracare would be the more appropriate product of the two for both active infestations and prevention of beetles and other pests. Timbor will leave a white powdery film on the surface of the wood and will only penetrate a 1/4 inch into the surface. Boracare, if mixed thoroughly before applying and not over applied, will dry completely clear and penetrate all the way to the center of the wood. Once an application of either of the products is dry, it would be safe to handle the wood bare handed or use tools to work the lumber into furniture. If you wanted to check with Nisus the manufacturer regarding any safety inhalation precautions if you use the Timbor powder and cut it after treating, you can reach them directly at 800-264-0870.

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  • Asked by Tina from Capron, Va
    If Tim-bor Professional is sprayed in a crawl space, how long to wait before people can go in and work?

    As long as you keep pets/children out of the area while you treat and until the Tim-bor Professional application has had time to completely dry or settle it is safe for pets and people to return and resume normal activity typically after about an hour.

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  • Asked by Kenneth from New Orleans Louisiana
    Can Tim-bor Professional be used for foaming wall voids to treat active Subterranean and Drywood Termite colonies?

    Tim-bor Professional can be used in a foaming application (with a foaming concentrate and foaming sprayer) but is best for prevention more than active infestation as it only penetrates up to 1/4 inch into the wood it is applied to when used wet.  If you are foaming for active you should drill directly into the wood they are infesting and foam into the gallery where they actively are.  Be sure to review the product label for complete instructions.

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Displaying 101 to 120 (of 127 questions)