Product Q&A

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Steven from Melbourne writes

I treated weeds around my bamboo with Grass Out Max based off the information I received from another Q&A stating that Grass Out Max would not injure bamboo or be effective to eradicate it. Unfortunately, the staff member was incorrect and therefore I sprayed the weeds around my bamboo which killed my new/young bamboo shoots which is exactly what I DID NOT want.


We do apologize if any misinformation you may have read in past Q&A’s by one of our staff regarding the use of Grass Out Max around bamboo. Due to labeling changes, revisions, updates, etc by manufacturers, it is always recommended that customers review the full product label prior to treating and observing all restrictions, limitations and directions per the product label being they are the end user and applying the pestiicide.  For Ornamentals (page 62) The product label provides a full list of the plants tested for use with Grass Out Max and does advise the following precaution “Due to variability within species, crop growth stage, environmental conditions, and application techniques, it is advised that the user determine if herbicide can be used safely on a few plants prior to widespread application. Neither the seller nor the manufacturer of AGRISEL GRASSOUT MAX HERBICIDE have investigated the safety factor to ornamental plants not listed on the label.”  Another mention is located on page 52 in Restrictive Labeling Section “Avoid contact with foliage, green stems, or fruit crops, or any desirable plants and trees, other than soybean with the Roundup Ready gene as severe injury or destruction will result."

Answer last updated on: 08/27/2021

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