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Mark from Florida writes

Treatment for Benjamin and Spiraling Whitefly

Safari 20SG is labeled for whitefly. If it isn't too much trouble, I have 3 questions pertaining to this product as I have both Spiraling and Benjamin whitefly: 1) the spiraling whitefly is so much LARGER than other whitefly varieties, should the dosage be adjusted for a larger bodied insect? 2) looking at the label directions for trees/large hedges on their site (link below), soil drench instructions indicate by grams or ounces but do not indicate the amount of "finished solution" to be applied as they do for containers. Are the directions provided meant as grams/ounces per 100 gallons which would require a finished product equivalent like their potted plants or is this application rate per tree? 3) is it preferable to use trunk diameter or hedge height since hedges are merely shaped trees and could potentially have a larger trunk than would be supported by the height of the hedge? This information would be helpful in determining the amount I will need to purchase. LINK: Many thanks in advance for your assistance with this! Please feel free to edit as necessary if you choose to place on the Q&A section of the Safari website. Mark


Safari is a fairly complicated product to use and we want to make sure you are getting the correct usage information so we are recommending that you contact Valent directly. You can reach Valent by calling 800-682-6368.

Answer last updated on: 05/25/2013

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