Unfortunately with liquid fertilizers or even with granule versions they are not exactly the most economical product when used appropriately and at labeled recommended rates. All of the liquid ones we carry are going to come out about the same range for price per 1000 sq/ft and how much you would need per acre.
There are different options of reapplication when using TurfGrassPro 20 - 0 - 0 with Minors so that is why there are 2 rates. You can apply either every 7-10 days at the lower rate or every 6-8 weeks at the higher rate. It can be tank mixed as long as you follow instructions on each product and follow the label that is most restrictive.
Winterizers usually contain nitrogen and potassium, but TurfGrassPro 20 - 0 - 0 with Minors could be used if the nutrients needed match what it provides.