Product Q&A

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Jadia from Greenville, South Carolina writes

I understand about using roach bait gel, and IGRs', but how do you use together?

My understanding is, that you don't spray around the bait gel, as would contaminate the bait gel, causing the roaches to NOT injest the bait gel. Is there a product that has IGR in a bait gel? Sounds like that would be the win, win situation. Does IGR only come in an aerosol or spray? ***PS. THANK YOU SO MUCH ON HAVING A PLACE TO ASK QUESTIONS, I WILL BUY FROM YOU, JUST BECAUSE YOU OFFER THIS SERVICE.


It is true that you cannot spray insecticide in the same exact places as you apply bait gels, but you can apply both products in the same rooms. Sprays will be applied low around baseboards and under appliances and under and behind cabinets. Baits will be applied high, inside cabinets, on counters and around sinks and in drawers. There are no bait gels that contain IGRs but there is a  product called Gentrol IGR Point Source which is a small disk which you can see by clicking on the link provided. Most folks purchase the Roach Control Kit #2 to address their roach control needs because it comes with all of the products you will need to start getting control. Please let us know if you have any other questions. We are always happy to help!

Answer last updated on: 12/29/2012

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